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LKJH - Jindřichův Hradec

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LKJH - Jindřichův Hradec

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome
ProvozVFR day, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 49° 09' 03" N, 14° 58' 18" E
3 km W Jindřichův Hradec
ELEV: 1683 ft / 513 m
Circuit: 2680 ft / 810 m AMSL
Provozní doba1 APR - 15 OCT
SAT, SUN, HOL 0700-1500
otherwise O/R
Palivoaviation petrol AVGAS 100, Natural 95
Hangárovánílimited O/R
Servislimited O/R
Ubytování16 beds at AD O/R, otherwise in Jindřichův Hradec
Restauraceat AD
Dopravatrain 2 km, bus, taxi, car for rent
Hradec RADIO123,605
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL

Noise abatement procedures

  • After departure from RWY 25 turn right to avoid village Matná (2 km from RWY 25 end).
  • During approach to RWY 07 do not overfly village Matná.
  • After departure from RWY 07 avoid the northern fringe of a town Jindřichův Hradec.
  • Flights of powered aeroplanes over villages in ATZ at altitudes below 2680 ft / 810 m AMSL are prohibited from reason of noise abatement.

LKTSA22 pass through Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ).

    RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
    07L 068° 693 x 22 PCN 6/F/B/Y/U 693 723 693 693
    25R 248° 693 x 22 PCN 6/F/B/Y/U 693 748 693 693
    07R 068° 770 x 22 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 718 800 718 745
    25L 248° 770 x 22 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 745 800 745 718

    Aeroklub Jindřichův Hradec z.s.
    Letiště 744/II, 377 01 Jindřichův Hradec, telephone/fax +420 384 321 009,  akjh@letistejh.cz,  http://www.letistejh.cz

    Chairman (statutory representative): Filip Klíma - telephone +420 777 870 914

    Head of air traffic / Administrator: Kryštof Urban - telephone +420 605 377 476

    Deputy head of air traffic for paragliding: Josef Svoboda - telephone +420 724 702 904

    Deputy head of air traffic: Aleš Ferra - telephone +420 723 566 660


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    1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

    1.1Snow clearance is not provided in the winter season.

    1.2LKTSA22 pass through Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ).

    1.3Pilots-in-command are obliged to make enquiries about actual conditions of the aerodrome before arrival. Especially after long lasting rains, during haymaking and in winter.

    1.4The traffic circuits:

    1.4.1The traffic circuit altitude is 2680 ft / 810 m AMSL.

    1.5Noise abatement procedures

    1.5.1After departure from RWY 25 turn right to avoid village Matná (2 km from RWY 25 end).

    1.5.2During approach to RWY 07 do not overfly village Matná.

    1.5.3After departure from RWY 07 avoid the northern fringe of a town Jindřichův Hradec.

    1.5.4Flights of powered aeroplanes over villages in ATZ at altitudes below 2680 ft / 810 m AMSL are prohibited from reason of noise abatement.

    2Additional information

    2.1Outside operational hours arrivals are permitted only after previous agreement with the aerodrome operator (check of the aerodrome serviceability).

    2.2Arrival of aircraft without two-way radio communication is allowed only after agreement with the aerodrome operator.

    2.3Providing information to known traffic in English only after agreement with head of air traffic 7 days in advance.

    3Charges for aerodromes

    3.1Landing charges

    SLZ up to 600 kg MTOW 50,00 CZK / 2,00 EUR
    Aircraft up to 1 tonne of MTOW 100,00 CZK / 4,00 EUR
    Rate per each additional initiated tonne MTOW 100,00 CZK / 4,00 EUR

    3.2Parking charges

    Apron and parking area (price per night) 100,00 CZK / 4,00 EUR
    Hangar area (price per night) 250,00 CZK / 10,00 EUR

    3.3Charges for passenger service



    Aborted approach - same charges as in Art. 3.1

    Providing information to known traffic outside AD operating hours on request 24 hours in advance: 250,- Kč per hour