Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic, AIM

Česky Contact


18 Sep 2024As of October 1, 2024 October 26, 2024, the provision of information on will be discontinued. More info here (Only in Czech)
25 Jul 2024From 9 to 13 and from 16 to 20 SEP 2024 temporary reserved and segregated areas will be designated for international military air exercise AMPLE STRIKE 2024. See AIP SUP 11/24, VFR SUP 9/24 and AUP/UUP.
13 May 2024From 15 May 2024 200:00 UTC till 16 May 01:00 UTC the IBS system will be down for maintenance.
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The Aeronautical Information Service is provided by the AIM Centre, which forms part of the Air Navigation Services of the CR. AIM ensures the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation within the area of its responsibility as indicated in GEN 3, under 3.1.2. AIM Centre consists of the AIM Products department and International NOTAM Office. The system support of the AIM Centre is provided by the AIM Systems and Data Department. At all Czech international aerodromes, where ATS is provided by ANS of the CR, the function of the AIS unit is delegated to Central ARO Prague (ATS Reporting Office).

more information on AIM ANS CR