Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic, AIM

Česky Contact

UAS – Geo zones

Published geographical zones in the set of data files. The zones will be gradually supplemented according to their availability.


ZoneDescriptionFileSizeMD5 SUMEffective from
ADAerodromesair_ad.json31,71 kB3508aa2001f99d1306f5e293b90bb4c85. 9. 2024
ATZAerodrome Traffic Zoneair_atz.json1,69 kB94bcae105a9f2755879bbcf858fb047913. 7. 2023
HELHeliportsair_hel.json14,91 kBb4abc1fed0f600d551080bc27f04c5138. 8. 2024
SLZSLZ Fieldsair_slz.json22,07 kBe56720e67e244530da1a0f130b5fb8a620. 2. 2025
CTRControl Zonesair_ctr.json12,18 kB2f0bc69ecaff2e0eb06f89250063870830. 12. 2021
DDanger Areasair_d.json3,88 kB4925cc28749f900a7e0e8db0c1e1879e20. 2. 2025
PProhibited Areasair_p.json4,58 kB735cbc2cc0d97ffd3745eb89994fdc2d20. 2. 2025
PGZAreas for Tow Winch of Parachute and Hang Gliderair_pgz.json1,71 kB9e1bb3b81d203b34851f6e37849a3f3214. 3. 2022
RRestricted Areasair_r.json6,71 kB6f4512970ec2b964cdbc04bf8d91c4041. 11. 2023
TMATerminal Control Areasair_tma.json41,94 kB0ec4602fa6d028bba3ac8ee2af1cf8c513. 7. 2023
TRATemporary Reserved Areasair_tra.json32,87 kB6c77624c7a37cba84fd145ee59956fd430. 3. 2025
TSATemporary Segregated Areasair_tsa.json31,46 kB6106b89b794b6176f42e05799d50e4ac21. 9. 2024
RMZRadio Mandatory Zoneair_rmz.json1,22 kB25f17da476748c44a6a575dd0bb4c25013. 7. 2023
FIR LKAACzech Republic Flight Information Regionair_fir.json1,04 MBc3131949086724290fdd8f4ad708af1830. 12. 2021
AllAll Areas in ZIP Archiveair_all.zip28,82 kB275762fb511a57e5c8670f31c407991f30. 3. 2025

Future – effective date 1. 4. 2025

ZoneDescriptionFileSizeMD5 SUMAmendment
TRATemporary Reserved Areasair_tra.json32,55 kBbd0795f930369d349266429eeda32f73AIP SUP 5/25

By using the data sets, you agree to the following terms: Terms of use

You can find more detailed information in the Aeronautical Information Publication AIP and in the VFR manual. The AisView or DronView application can be used for visualization of aeronautical zones on the map.

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