FRA - Planning - Y/Z flights
Not all possibilities are displayed.
You are free to plan different routings as long as you follow FRA rules (stated in the AIP and RAD), anyway displayed options are preferred by ATC.
Closest points to AD chosen as examples, with no planned activation of TRAs/TSAs.
In case of planned activation of TRAs/TSAs, change your FPL accordingly (change to VFR prior to/after TRAs/TSAs).
Orange TMA DCT structure:
- mandatory for overflights with RFL165B,
- flights with RFL165A with trajectory through TMA Praha may plan only points with FRA relevance (I) (i.e.. BEKVI, OKL, BALTU, ELMEK, APRAQ, VOZ and VLM),
- DEP TMAPRVFR_GROUP entering FRA via ARTUP, VOZ, DOBEN, BALTU or VENOX may plan any DCT in TMA (subject to availability), regardless of RFL ,
- lower limit of DCTs via OKL is FL065.
Have you got any question? Contact us at (give us at least 2 working days to respond, so do not expect immediate help with filling the FPL before departure).