FRA - How to navigate through RAD
To find valid restrictions and rules, select relevant AIRAC (date) on RAD homepage The actual and the next RAD documents are published.
RAD is always published D-28 before the effective date.
The RAD documents are shown as Rolling RAD and on the day of publication (D-28), version 1.0 is published. When a change is made after the publication date (D-28), the version of the Rolling RAD is updated; no increment files are kept. Version 1.0 is kept as a starting point and the current version is published as 1.x with the updates done.
When you open the relevant version of the RAD, you can find individual Annexes as tabs in the excel sheet.
Crucial for planning in FRA is Annex 2B. For Arrivals and Departures, you also need to comply with Annex 3A. Flights through TMA Praha will have to file in accordance with the RAD DCT structure, which is published in Annex 3B.
When you open a certain part of RAD, in the Change Ind. (column A) you can find, if the TFR (traffic flow rule) is NEW, AMD (amended) or DEL (deleted) for this AIRAC cycle. Always check Applicability or Availability, as some might be valid only during certain times.
Annex 2B: Local and Cross-border Capacity and Structural Rules.
Annex 2B generally utilizes the usage of ATS routes, navigation points and airspaces. Most of FRA rules are coded for points, some for airspaces as a reference location.
Use filters in the first line. Suggested filters to effectively read in Annex 2B are:
- NAS/FAB (you can filter Czech - LK TFRs),
- ID (you can find specific ID, for example if you get FPL rejected by certain TFR),
- Point or Airspace (can either be a nav point or a sector – for example LKAAHT, or even LKAACTA/UTA/FIR).
Annex 3A: Aerodrome Connectivity Options
Annex 3A utilizes how certain STARs and SIDs can be used . FRA connecting route from SIDs to Departure (D) points and from Arrival (A) points to STARs is also coded here.
Use tab ARR if you are looking for arrival connectivity and tab DEP if you are looking for departure connectivity. In tab Conditions general rules and AD DCT limits can be found. Use filters in the first line. Suggested filters to effectively read in Annex 3A are:
(you can find all utilized connectivities to/from certain airport
- First PT STAR / STAR ID and Last PT SID / SID ID (you can find connectivities to / from specific points, where STAR begins / SID ends),
- ARR ID and DEP ID (you can find specific ID, for example if you get FPL rejected by certain TFR),
- NAS/FAB (you can filter all Czech - LK connectivities).
Annex 3B: Enroute DCT Options
Annex 3B defines DCT planning outside of FRA limits, in the Czech Republic mostly in the TMA Praha.
Use filters in the first line. Suggested filters to effectively read in Annex 3B are:
- ATC Unit (you can filter DCTs by ATC unit responsible for the Airspace, which these DCTs are crossing - LKPRAPP and LKAAACC),
- FROM (you can filter from where the DCT is plannable),
- TO (you can filter where to the DCT is plannable).
Always check Vertical Limits of the DCT and Utilization, as some might only be available to specific traffic.