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LKPL - Letkov

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LKPL - Letkov

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome
ProvozVFR day, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 49° 43' 23" N, 13° 27' 08" E
6 km ESE centre of Plzeň
ELEV: 1374 ft / 419 m
Circuit: 2350 ft / 720 m AMSL
Provozní doba15 APR - 15 OCT
SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1500,
otherwise O/R, HO
PalivoAVGAS 100, NATURAL 95
OlejELF 100 AD, Aeroshell Sport 4 Plus
HangárováníO/R, limited
Restauracelimited SAT, SUN, HOL in the time a local activity
Dopravapublic transport - trolley bus No.12 - bus stop Božkov + 30 MIN by walk, bus - bus stop Letkov + 10 MIN by walk
Letkov RADIO130,610
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL

The shape of the ATZ is not standard. An eastern boundary of the ATZ is formed by a line connecting Ejpovice railway station and Mokrouse which forms boundary with the ATZ of Rokycany aerodrome.

    Simultaneous operation on parallel RWYs is prohibited!

      RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
      08L 083° 700 x 30 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 700 730 700 700
      26R 263° 700 x 30 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 700 730 700 700
      08R 083° 460 x 50 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 460 490 460 460
      26L 263° 460 x 50 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 460 490 460 460

      Aeroklub Plzeň - Letkov z.s.
      Letkov 200, 326 00, telephone +420 377 456 020,  http://www.akletkov.cz,  info@akletkov.cz

      Roman Lanzendorf - chairman of aeroclub - telephone +420 608 979 832

      Jan Muknšnábl - head of air traffic - telephone +420 774 101 811

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      1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

      1.1AD operator does not provide snow clearanace.

      1.2Providing information to known traffic is provided during aeroclub local air traffic.

      1.3Traffic circuits:

      1.3.1The traffic circuit altitude is 2350 ft / 720 m.

      1.4Simultaneous operation on parallel RWYs is prohibited!

      1.5Crossing between RWY with caution and radio communication.

      1.6Noise abatement

      1.6.1Noise abatement procedures are applied. It is desirable not to overfly noise-sensitive areas (Koterov, Letkov, Božkov and Starý Plzenec) at altitudes of less than 1000 ft / 300 m AGL at a distance of 600 m from residential areas.

      1.6.2After departure from RWY 26R/L climb out of the noise-sensitive areas (Koterov and Božkov) at a RWY course to a height of at least 500 ft / 150 m AGL and in parallel with the railway line Plzeň - České Budějovice out of residential area continue to crosswind turn of north or south traffic circuit. When departing from RWY 08R/L, climb out of residential area of Letkov and do not fly over Tymakov below 1000 ft / 300 m.

      1.7The shape of the ATZ is not standard. An eastern boundary of the ATZ is formed by a line connecting Ejpovice railway station and Mokrouse which forms boundary with the ATZ of Rokycany aerodrome.

      2Additional information

      2.1In summertime high activity of gliders.

      2.2Aerobatics are performed at the aerodrome also outside operating hours and outside the boundaries of ATZ.

      2.3Category 1 firefighting and rescue services are provided at the aerodrome. Arrivals and departures of airplanes with fuselage length over 9 m and width over 2 m must be reported to the operator to increase the category of firefighting and rescue services.

      3Charges for aerodromes

      3.1Landing charges

      Up to 2,5 tons of MTOW 200,00

      3.2Parking charges


      3.3Charges for passenger service
