SUP 18/24
Publication date: 12 DEC 24
Effective from: 23 JAN 25
Effective to: 28 FEB 25
Part of VFR manual affected by this VFR-SUP: VFR-AD-LKTB
The following VFR-SUP have been incorporated in this VFR-SUP and therfore cancelled:
The following NOTAMs are incorporated in this VFR-SUP and will be cancelled by NOTAM:
BRNO/Tuřany (LKTB) - temporary relocation of TWR
This AIP SUP describes the temporary relocation of TWR Tuřany due to essential repairs that make it impossible to provide ATC from the existing TWR facility. Therefore, a new temporary TWR with a restricted view (TEMPO TWR) will be established, located in a room within the administrative building (see picture).
Operational Impact
Due to the limited view angle from the TEMPO TWR (see picture), the following restrictions
are implemented at LKTB:
- TWY F and TWY A (in the section between THR RWY 09 and TWY B) are only used for taxiing and parking on adjacent stands and hangars, or for take-offs/landings at TLOF 1 and 2. Other traffic (aircraft taxiing to/from RWY 09/27, without intending to park in this section of the airport) is not permitted. This is due to the obstruction of the view of this area from the TEMPO TWR, and the simultaneous use of TLOF for life-saving flights, SAR operations, etc.
- The use of RWY 09/27 in the opposite direction to the active RWY is not permitted.
- Due to the obstruction of the view from TEMPO TWR, crews are requested to taxi with increased caution, especially when entering the RWY.
- Circling approaches to RWY 09/27 may only be permitted in essential cases, primarily in non-standard situations where such an approach would be operationally more suitable or desirable.
- Visual approaches to RWY 09/27 may only be permitted from the southern direction, and in other cases only if such an approach would be operationally more suitable or desirable, primarily in non-standard situations.
- VFR flights are requested to use the southern aerodrome traffic circuit.
- The use of the grass RWY 08/26 for take-offs or landings is not permitted.
- A maximum of one aircraft can be permitted on the maneuvering area and in the aerodrome traffic circuit at any one time.
- Flights of non-transponder equipped aircraft in CTR Tuřany are not permitted, except for emergency flights, life-saving flights, Police, Air Force, and SAR operations.
- Special VFR flights are not permitted, except for emergency flights, life-saving flights, Police, Air Force, and SAR operations.
- Training flights are restricted.
- The signal light gun instructions can be expected from the second floor of the TWR
facility (lower than standard TWR), with visibility limited only to aircraft approaching
from the southern direction of LKTB.