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LKVO - PRAHA/Vodochody

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LKVO - PRAHA/Vodochody

StatutPrivate international aerodrome
ProvozIFR, VFR
ARP: 50° 13' 00" N, 14° 23' 44" E
2 km SW from Odolena Voda
ELEV: 919 ft / 280 m
Provozní dobaMON - FRI 0630 - 1400 (0530 - 1300)
PalivoJet A-1, AVGAS 100 LL
UbytováníNIL (hotels in Prague)
RestauraceSnack bar at time of air traffic, light meals.
Dopravapublic transport - bus stop Odolena Voda - závod (factory)
train station Úžice - 3 km from aerodrome
Vodochody RADIM123,030
Vodochody VĚŽ/TOWER133,080
Vodochody RADAR127,480
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: Customs and imigration clearance outside "Schengen" countries is provided on working days O/R 24 HR in advance. Ask min 48 HR in advance for flights on weekends and public holidays. Visas are not granted.

CTR Vodochody expires outside the active status of CTR and TMA VIII Praha is applied. Information about airspace status of CTR is broadcasted by Radio Information Beacon RADIM FREQ 123,030 (in Czech and English language). Information RADIM can be obtained on telephone +420 255 762 615. Without information about airspace status pilots shall consider CTR as active. Check of airspace status is necessary at latest every 15 minutes.

    RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
    10 100° 2500 x 45 PCN 22/F/B/X/T 2500 2560 2500 2500
    28 280° 2500 x 45 PCN 22/F/B/X/T 2500 2560 2500 2500
    11 100° 1800 x 50 PCN 10/F/C/Y/U 1800 1860 1800 1800
    29 280° 1800 x 50 PCN 10/F/C/Y/U 1800 1860 1800 1800

    AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s.
    U Letiště 374, 250 70 Odolena Voda, Dolínek, telephone +420 255 762 615,  handling@aero.cz, AFTN: LKVOYDYX

    Handling - Flight and services request - telephone +420 731 135 187

    ATC, TWR - telephone +420 255 762 615

    Meteo, Briefing, ARO - telephone +420 255 762 609

    AD Administration - telephone +420 734 517 111

    Rescue and fire fighting service - telephone +420 255 763 200

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    1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

    1.1AD is a private international aerodrome and may be used for transport, test, check, instruction and training flights.

    1.2Pilot-in-command is obliged to request permission for using of the aerodrome from the aerodrome operator before flight.

    1.2.1Permission for individual flights must be requested from handling. See contacts for telephone and e-mail.

    1.3If ATC Vodochody do not specify otherwise from operational reasons, the traffic circuits are carried out north from RWY:
    RWY 28, 29 - right traffic circuit, RWY 10, 11 - left traffic circuit.

    1.4RWY 28, 29 - traffic circuit to the right:

    Carry out crosswind turn after passing village Chvateruby, continue between chemical production site (on the left side) and liquid gas tanks (on the right side). Carry out down wind turn after passing liquid gas tanks (on the right side) to downwind north of town Odolena Voda. Carry out base turn in front of village Predboj, carry out final turn between villages Bast and Panenské Brezany.

    1.5RWY 10, 11 - traffic circuit to the left:

    Carry out crosswind turn in front of village Bast to the downwind turn abeam village Predboj to downwind north of town Odolena Voda. Carry out base turn after passing village Uzice between chemical production site (on the right side) and liquid gas tanks (on the left side). Carry out final turn after passing village Chvateruby (on the left side).

    1.6VFR traffic circuit for aircraft with wingspan up to 36 m

    (only right traffic circuit from RWY 28, this traffic circuit is only for training flights)

    Carry out crosswind turn after passing village Chvateruby continue between chemical production site (on the left side) and liquid gas tanks (on the right side). Carry out downwind turn after passing village Uzice (on the right side). Carry out base turn after passing village Kojetice (on the right side), continue west of villages Cakovicky and Zlonin. Abeam village Zlonin descend to 2000 ft AMSL to final turn between villages Bast and Panenske Brezany.

    1.7When landing on / departing from RWY 10/28 no aircraft shall be on TWY V or TWY W.

    1.8The grass RWY 11/29 shall not be used at night.

    1.9After landing on RWY 11/29, the pilot is obliged to remain on the RWY until cleared to enter TWY V or TWY W.

    1.10Training flights

    1.10.1Due to flight tests at the aerodrome, the training flights must take into consideration possible delay according to ATS instructions. TWR Vodochody can at any time delay, interupt or terminate a training flight within CTR/TMA Vodochody respecting flight test needs.

    1.11The other flights

    1.11.1Due to flight tests at the aerodrome, the pilots carrying out planned flight into areas of ATS Vodochody responsibilty or to/from the aerodrome Vodochody must take into consideration possible delay according to ATS instructions. TWR Vodochody can at any time order interuption of the flight or leaving CTR/TMA Vodochody respecting flight test needs.

    2Additional information

    2.1CTR Vodochody expires outside the active status of CTR and TMA VIII Praha is applied. Information about airspace status of CTR is broadcasted by Radio Information Beacon RADIM FREQ 123,030 (in Czech and English language). Information RADIM can be obtained on telephone +420 255 762 615. Without information about airspace status pilots shall consider CTR as active. Check of airspace status is necessary at latest every 15 minutes.

    3Charges for aerodromes

    3.1Landing charges

    This is a private aerodrome. The charges are subject of a settlement with the aerodrome operator.

    3.2Parking charges

    This is a private aerodrome. The charges are subject of a settlement with the aerodrome operator.

    3.3Charges for passenger service

    This is a private aerodrome. The charges are subject of a settlement with the aerodrome operator.