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LKRO - Roudnice

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LKRO - Roudnice

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome / Private international aerodrome
ProvozVFR day/night, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 50° 24' 38" N, 14° 13' 34" E
2 km SW Roudnice nad Labem
ELEV: 728 ft / 222 m
Circuit: 1500 ft / 457 m AMSL
Provozní doba1 APR - 15 OCT
SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1500
01 MAY - 01 OCT
MON-SUN 0700-1700UTC
02 OCT - 30 APR

otherwise O/R
PalivoAVGAS 100LL, JET A1 - during operational hours (only with excise tax included)
NATURAL BA 95 (MOGAS) - H24 self-service (cash / payment card)
OlejTOTAL AERO 100, D100/W100, Aeroshell 15W50, AeroShell Sportplus4
HangárováníO/R, limited
ServisO/R - by contract with LPS, s.r.o.
Types: Cessna - series 100, ULL - all types,
- helicopters - Robinson
UbytováníO/R 24HR, a hostel for 6420 persons at AD
RestauraceRoudnice nad Labem
Dopravabus, train - railway station Roudnice nad Labem
Roudnice RADIO122,205
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: O/R, 4824 HR in advance, Application form with the airport operator. Visas are not granted.

The traffic circuit altitude is 1500 ft / 457 m AMSL.

    Avoid villages Dušníky and Kleneč in distance at least 1 km from the village center at arrival and departure. Flights over Roudnice nad Labem below altitudes 2500 ft / 830 m AGL are prohibited due to noise abatement.

      Flights in ATZ only up to 2200 LT. After this time only en-route flights (arrivals and departures) are allowed.

        Requirements for switching on RWY and TWY lights for single arrivals and departures on request on telephone +420 605 454 306. Price 500 Kč/HR.

          RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
          31L 313° 1400 x 63 10000 kg / 1 MPa 1400 1540 1400 1400
          13R 133° 1400 x 63 10000 kg / 1 MPa 1400 1540 1400 1400
          31R 313° 840 x 30 10000 kg / 1 MPa 840 1400 840 840
          13L 133° 840 x 30 10000 kg / 1 MPa 840 1120 840 840

          Aeroklub MEMORIAL AIR SHOW Roudnice n.L. z.s.
          Žižkova 3389, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem telephone/fax +420 416 831 618  info@aeroklubroudnice.cz

          Providing information to known traffic - telephone +420 416 831 618,  radiolkro@gmail.com

          Vlastimil Dvořák - head of air traffic - telephone +420 606 887 070

          Bohumil Švec (Head of air traffic / aerodrome manager) - telephone +420 605 454 306,  spravce@aeroklubroudnice.cz, EN

          Aviatický klub s.r.o - Štěpánka Pémová - telephone +420 776 625 611

          LPS, s.r.o. - Jiří Rýdl - telephone +420 704 054 266

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          1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

          1.1All users of LKRO are obliged to familiarise themselves with the LKRO Airport Rules before using the airport; these rules are available in their current form on the website:  http://www.roudnice-airport.cz

          1.2Flights outside the operating hours of the Providing information to known traffic unit at Roudnice.

          Arrivals and departures before and after the published operating hours of Roudnice are permitted only after filling in the online form at  http://www.roudnice-airport.cz. Landings (except emergency and safety landings) without the appropriate permission outside the operating hours are considered a violation of the flight rules.

          1.3The traffic circuits

          The traffic circuit altitude is 1500 ft / 457 m AMSL.

          Keep distance 1 km from centers of villages Dušníky and Kleneč.

          Pilots are requested to strictly follow the circuit flight path and the circuit altitude - see VFR-AD-LKRO-VOC.

          1.4The traffic circuit altitude is 1500 ft / 457 m AMSL.

          1.4Snow clearance is not provided.

          1.5Noise abatement procedures

          1.5.1Avoid villages Dušníky and Kleneč in distance at least 1 km from the village center at arrival and departure. Flights over Roudnice nad Labem below altitudes 2500 ft / 830 m AGL are prohibited due to noise abatement.

          1.5.2Flights in ATZ only up to 2200 LT. After this time only en-route flights (arrivals and departures) are allowed.

          1.6Arrivals of aircraft without two-way radio communication are possible only after a previous agreement with AD operator.

          1.7Arrival/departure of an aircraft with total length greater than or equal to 9 m or with maximum fuselage width greater than 2 m is permitted only by prior agreement with the aerodrome operator (to arrange rescue and firefighting services).

          1.8Taxiing allowed only on RWY.

          1.9Requirements for switching on RWY and TWY lights for single arrivals and departures on request on telephone +420 605 454 306. Price 500 Kč/HR.

          2Additional information

          2.1Providing information to known traffic in English language O/R 24HR in advance.

          2.2Customs and immigration clearance

          2.2.1The request shall be submitted to AD operator at least 48 HR in advance and shall include following information:

          Furthermore name and surname, date of birth and nationality of all persons on a board are required. A person will not be checked out without this information. Requests with above mentioned information shall be sent to e-mail  odbaveni@aeroklubroudnice.cz. The application form is available on  http://www.aeroklubroudnice.cz.

          2.3An operation of aeroplane kits is possible northeast from RWY 31/13.

          2.4In selected months, the end of operating hours is limited by civil twilight if it occurs earlier than the published operating hours. Operating hours may also be adjusted by NOTAM.

          3Charges for aerodromes

          3.1Landing charges

          Ultralight aircraft 50,00100,00
          Aircraft up to 1 t of MTOW (including) 75,00 (150,00)150,00
          Aircraft up to 2 t of MTOW (including) 150,00 (300,00)250,00
          Aircraft over 2 t of MTOW (per each initiated tonne of MTOW) 100,00

          The rates are with the value added tax.

          The rates in brackets are valid for the period 1 NOV - 31 MAR.

          3.2Parking charges

          Per day 250,00
          Aircraft up to 2 t (per day) 100,00
          Aircraft over 2 t (per day) 200,00

          First three hours free of charge

          3.3Charges for passenger service

          Passenger 50,00


          Other charges, RWY lighting prices, fuel, hangarage and other information are listed on the website:  http://www.roudnice-airport.cz