7.Meteorological services


7.1.1Within FIR Praha the Aeronautical information service to civil aviation is provided especially by means of:

  1. Meteorological warning service for FIR Praha
  2. Aeronautical meteorological reports METAR/SPECI and METREPORT/SPECIAL
  3. Forecasts in accordance with Chapter 6 and Appendix 5 to ICAO Annex 3
  4. Service for operators and flight crew members according to Ch. 9 and App. 8 to ICAO Annex 3 (flight documentation, briefing and debriefing, consultation etc.)

7.1.2Meteorological information can be obtained at the bellow mentioned meteorological stations or within selfbriefing at ibs.rlp.cz and also on the website of  CHMU.

On these pages, you can find all products issued by OLM ČHMÚ (messages, forecasts, warnings), as well as maps of significant weather, wind, temperature, pressure, icing, satellite and radar information. This information is also available on the website:  http://meteo.rlp.cz

7.1.3Meteorological reports METAR/SPECI and SIGMET information for FIR Praha containing current meteorological information are broadcasted by means of continuous and repetitive voice broadcast VOLMET on FREQ 125.525 MHz and telephone +420 220 378 100.

7.2Responsibility for the provision of MET

7.2.1Aeronautical meteorological services in the Czech Republic are provided by the following organizations: Hydrometeorological Institute

Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Na Šabatce 2050/17
143 06 Praha 412 − Komořany
telephone +420 244 031 111
fax +420 241 760 689
data box identifier: e37djs6 of Aeronautical Meteorology

Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) secures the provision of aeronautical meteorological service (METS) through the Section of the Aeronautical Meteorology (SAM) CHMI, which is responsible for its performance at the aerodrome meteorological offices and aeronautical meteorological stations at airports LKPR, LKMT, LKTB and LKKV.

Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Section of the Aeronautical Meteorology of the CHMI
Na Šabatce 2050/17
143 06 Praha 412 − Komořany
telephone +420 244 032 231
fax +420 244 032 241
 bohumil.techlovsky@chmi.cz Industries, a.s.

Letištní meteorologická služebna a letecká meteorologická stanice KUNOVICE
Na Záhonech 1177
686 04 Kunovice
telephone +420 572 817 630
 http://www.let.cz Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s.

Letištní meteorologická služebna a letecká meteorologická stanice PRAHA/VODOCHODY
AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s.
Letecká meteorologická stanice letiště PRAHA/Vodochody
U letiště 374
250 70 Odolena Voda
telephone +420 255 762 609 Meteo−briefing
fax +420 255 763 216
 http://www.aero.czčeské letiště České Budějovice a.s.

Aeronautical meteorological station České Budějovice
U Zimního stadionu 1952/2
370 01 České Budějovice
telephone +420 386 325 339 telephone +420 725 036 721
 http://http://www.airport-cb.cz Military Geographic and Hydrometeorological Office

The Military Geographic and Hydrometeorological Office (MGHO) ensures the provision of aeronautical meteorological service at military airports and at the airports with common military and civil operations. MGHO directs airport workplaces of aeronautical meteorological service with local authority at LKKB, LKPD, LKCV and LKNA airports.

The Military Geographic and Hydrometeorological Office
Čs. odboje 676
518 16 Dobruška
telephone +420 973 247 511
fax +420 973 247 620

7.3Operational contacts

7.3.1Aeronautical meteorological offices:

BRNO/TUŘANY Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Office of the CHMI telephone/fax +420 545 216 487
telephone +420 604 210 865
České Budějovice Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Station telephone +420 386 325 339
telephone +420 725 036 721
KARLOVY VARY Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Station of the CHMI telephone/fax +420 353 331 104
KBELY Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Office and Station telephone 973 207 172
telephone 973 207 168
fax 973 207 377
KUNOVICE Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Office telephone +420 572 817 630
OSTRAVA/MOŠNOV Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Station of the CHMI telephone +420 597 471 131
+420 602 558 465
PARDUBICE Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Office and Station telephone +420 973 333 177
telephone +420 973 333 176
fax +420 973 242 784
PRAHA/RUZYNĚ Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Office of the CHMI telephone/fax +420 220 372 140
telephone +420 220 372 141
telephone +420 220 372 143
telephone +420 220 372 144
METEO selfbriefing: ARO – TWR building
PRAHA/VODOCHODY Airport Aeronautical Meteorological Station telephone +420 255 762 609
fax +420 255 763 216