SUP 15/24
Publication date: 17 OCT 24
Effective from: 31 OCT 24
Effective to: UFN
Part of VFR manual affected by this VFR-SUP: VFR-HEL-LKPH
The following VFR-SUP have been incorporated in this VFR-SUP and therfore cancelled:
The following NOTAMs are incorporated in this VFR-SUP and will be cancelled by NOTAM:
NOTAM: Y2679/24
Heliport HEMS Praha 5 - Motol (LKPH) - obstacles in vicinity of heliport

Cranes east of the heliport at:

Max HGT 66 m AGL / 370 m AMSL, night markings, crane arm length 60 metres.