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LKUL - Ústí nad Labem

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LKUL - Ústí nad Labem

StatutPrivate domestic aerodrome
ProvozVFR day
ARP: 50° 41' 59" N, 13° 58' 11" E
5,5 km GEO 310° from the centre of Ústí nad Labem
ELEV: 787 ft / 240 m
Circuit: 1770 ft / 540 m AMSL
Provozní dobaOnly during operation of the aeroclub, otherwise O/R 24 HR in advance.
PalivoUnleaded automotive petrol BA 95.
UbytováníAccommodation in town.
DopravaPublic transport, taxi.
Ústí nad Labem RADIO123,405
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL

Prohibited area LKP10 is located on the south of ATZ.

    After departure from RWY 05 pilot-in-command shall turn right heading 080° and avoid overflying Habrovice and Strážky.

      Pilots conducting flight on traffic circuit shall avoid overflying villages Habrovice, Strážky, Skorotice, Střížkovice, Český Újezd and urban district Všebořice.

        Pilots-in-command conducting flights within ATZ of AD Ústí nad Labem and its vicinity are requested to avoid overflying villages and build up area of the town Ústí nad Labem.

          RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
          05 051° 780 x 18 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa 780 810 780 780
          23 231° 780 x 18 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa 780 810 780 780

          Aeroclub Ústí nad Labem, z.s.
          Podhoří 364/36, 400 10 Ústí nad Labem, telephone +420 605 440 286

          Providing information to known traffic - telephone +420 605 440 286

          Ing. Ondřej Otta (aeroclub chairman) - telephone +420 725 815 515,  otta@elteko.eu,  inf@lkul.cz

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          1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

          1.1Snow clearance is not provided.

          1.2With regard to grass surface RWYs could be unserviceable after prolonged rains.

          1.3Prohibited area LKP10 is located on the south of ATZ.


          Traffic circuit can be entered on downwind leg or base leg. In case of straight-in approach RWY 05 pilots shall proceed with respect to aircrafts on traffic circuits. In case of straight-in approach RWY 23 pilots shall proceed with respect to aircrafts on traffic circuits and avoid overflying villages Bánov, Strážky, Skorotice and Habrovice.


          Departures from downwind leg and direct departures are allowed. In case of departure from RWY 05 pilot-in-command shall avoid overflying villages Bánov, Strážky, Skorotice and Habrovice.

          1.6Traffic circuits:

          Traffic circuit altitude is 540 m /1770 ft AMSL.

          1.6.1After departure from RWY 05 pilot-in-command shall turn right heading 080° and avoid overflying Habrovice and Strážky.

          1.6.2Pilots conducting flight on traffic circuit shall avoid overflying villages Habrovice, Strážky, Skorotice, Střížkovice, Český Újezd and urban district Všebořice.

          1.6.3Ultralight aircrafts may use shortened traffic circuit conducted outside of build up areas. Minimum downwind leg altitude for this shortened traffic circuit is 400 m/1312 ft AMSL.


          1.8Noise abatement procedures:

          Pilots-in-command conducting flights within ATZ of AD Ústí nad Labem and its vicinity are requested to avoid overflying villages and build up area of the town Ústí nad Labem.

          2Additional information


          3Charges for aerodromes

          3.1Landing charges

          Aircraft over 650 kg MTOM 50,00

          3.2Parking charges


          3.3Charges for passenger service
