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LKKM - Kroměříž

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LKKM - Kroměříž

StatutPrivate domestic aerodrome
ProvozVFR day, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 49° 17' 08" N, 17° 24' 57" E
2,2 km SE Kroměříž
ELEV: 617 ft / 188 m
Circuit: 1600 ft / 488 m AMSL
Provozní dobain operational hours of aeroclub only, otherwise O/R 24 HR in advance
Palivounleaded gesoline BA 95
OlejAeroShell: 100W, W15W-50, Oil Sport Plus 4
Hangárováníafter agreement with AD operator
Servisminor repairs only
Ubytovánípensions it the town
Restaurace100 m from AD - all day operation
Dopravabus, public transport, taxi
Kroměříž RADIO122,205
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL

After take off from RWY 02 slightly turn right to heading 045° out of town estate Dolní Zahrady in a safety height.

    All arrivals are possible only after telephone agreement with head of air traffic of Aeroclub Kromeriz.

      RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
      02 019° 775 x 30 5500 kg / 0.3 MPa 775 805 775 775
      20 199° 775 x 30 5500 kg / 0.3 MPa 775 805 775 775

      Aeroklub Kroměříž, z.s.
      Na Hrázi 1148/6, 767 01 Kroměříž,  letiste.km@tiscali.cz

      Providing information to known traffic - telephone +420 725 751 522

      Radek Ligurský - chairman of aeroclub - telephone +420 735 192 886

      Miroslav Rakušan - head of air traffic - telephone +420 603 259 545

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      1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

      1.1Snow clearance is not provided.

      1.2RWYs can be unserviceable after prolonged rains.

      1.3Traffic circuits

      1.4The traffic circuit altitude is 1600 ft / 488 m AMSL.

      1.5After take off from RWY 02 slightly turn right to heading 045° out of town estate Dolní Zahrady in a safety height.

      1.6The road in the vicinity of THR RWY 20 shall be overflown due to safety at least 15 m from the lowest part of the aircraft or towed object.

      2Additional information

      2.1Service Providing information to known traffic in Czech language only.

      2.2On working days it is recomended to call telephone numbers of head of air traffic or chairman of aeroclub, see contacts.

      2.3All arrivals are possible only after telephone agreement with head of air traffic of Aeroclub Kromeriz.

      2.4Arrival/departure of an aircraft with total length greater than or equal to 9 m or with maximum fuselage width greater than 2 m is permitted only by prior agreement with the aerodrome operator (to arrange rescue and firefighting services).

      3Charges for aerodromes

      3.1Landing charges

      Per tonne of MTOW 150,00

      3.2Parking charges

      Per day 50,00

      3.3Charges for passenger service
