3.Altimeter setting procedures


These procedures apply to all flights. Exceptions and conditions may be determined by appropriate ATS unit.

Procedures describe the method for providing adequate vertical separation between aircraft and for providing required terrain clearance during all phases of a flight. This method is based on the following provisions:

3.1.1Transition altitude (TA)

Transition altitude is the altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes. The transition altitude within all FIR is 5000 ft (1500 m) AMSL, except as stated below.

Outside TMA in mountainous areas where terrain exceeds 4000 ft (1200 m) AMSL, the transition altitude for all VFR flights and for IFR flights outside ATS routes is increased to an altitude identical to the height 1000 ft (300 m) AGL.

3.1.2Transition level (TL)

Transition level is the lowest flight level available for use, located at least 1000 ft (300 m) above the transition altitude.

3.1.3Transition layer

The airspace between the transition level and the transition altitude is called the transition layer. En-route horizontal flight is not permitted within the transition layer except especially approved activities (see AIP CR ENR Minimum depth of transition layer is set to 1000 ft (300 m) in accordance with ICAO Doc. 7030/5.

3.2References to the vertical position

3.2.1The vertical position of aircraft shall be expressed in terms of:

  1. flight levels for flight at or above the transition level;
  2. altitudes for flight at or below transition altitude;
  3. heights above the ground for en-route flight up to 1000 ft (300 m) above the ground;

3.2.2While passing through the transition layer, vertical posotion shall be expressed in term of:

  1. flight levels when climbing; and
  2. altitude when descending.

3.3The change in reference from altitude to flight levels and vice versa

The change in reference from altitude to flight levels and vice versa is made:

  1. at the transition altitude when climbing; and
  2. at the transition level when descending.

3.4Description of altimeter setting region and procedures for pilots

3.4.1During flight at or below the transition altitude the following pressure shall be set on altimeters for the areas listed below:

"QNH of the specified aerodrome" for the purpose of TMA is:

In case of more overlapping TMAs, pilot flying below such TMAs shall use the QNH of the lowest TMA.

* Note: if the "AFIS" or the "information to known traffic" u nits are operational.

The airspace area below the TMA lower limit defined by AMSL is depicted in the “TMA with lower limit defined by AMSL” chart.

TMA with lower limit defined by AMSL

3.4.2Information on the aerodrome QNH, temperature and transition level in TMA is provided in ATIS broadcasts or transmitted by the appropriate ATS unit. Regional QNH is provided in MET broadcasts and is available on request from the ATS units.

3.4.3QNH values are given in hectopascals. QNH in milimetres Hg is provided on request. Minimum flight altitudes are published in appropriate charts.

3.4.4VFR flights up to an altitude of 5000 ft (1500 m) AMSL or up to a height 1000 ft (300 m) AGL, if this level exceeds 5000 ft (1500 m) AMSL, shall set the altimeter to the QNH in accordance with paragraph 3.4.1.

3.5Flight planning

Levels at which a flight is to be conducted shall be specified in a flight plan:

  1. flight levels for flight at or above the lowest usable flight level or above transition altitude;
  2. altitudes for flight at transition altitude or below;
  3. abbreviation VFR for uncontrolled VFR flights.

3.6Procedures in controlled airspace

3.6.1If a VFR flight within controlled airspace is cleared by ATC to an altitude which the pilot finds unacceptable he/she shall request an alternative altitude. If such a request is not received ATC will consider that the clearance has been accepted and will be complied with.

3.6.2Vertical separations

Vertical separation from IFR flights is provided within controlled airspace Class C by assignment of different levels. ATC unit may clear VFR flight to level which is specified for IFR flight.

3.7Table of cruising levels

All en-route VFR flights shall be operated in VFR cruising levels corresponding to the flown track according to table of cruising levels stated below. However ATC unit providing service in controlled airspace may also assign level that is specified for IFR flights.

Table of cruising levels
Magnetic track
from 000° to 179° from 180° to 359°
FL m ft FL m ft FL m ft FL m ft
- 900 3000 - 1050 3500 - 1200 4000 - 1350 4500
50 1500 5000 55 1700 5500 60 1850 6000 65 2000 6500
70 2150 7000 75 2300 7500 80 2450 8000 85 2600 8500
90 2750 9000 95 2900 9500 100 3050 10000 105 3200 10500
110 3050 11000 115 3500 11500 120 3650 12000 125 3800 12500
130 3950 13000 135 4100 13500 140 4250 14000 145 4400 14500
150 4550 15000 155 4700 15500 160 4900 16000 165 5050 16500
170 5200 17000 175 5350 17500 180 5500 18000 185 5650 18500
190 5800 19000 - - - - - - - - -

3.8Transition levels according to the current QNH

QNH in hPa Transition level
≥ 1051 50
1014-1050 60
978-1013 70
≤ 977 80