LKHC - Hořice

4,5 km SW Hořice v Podkrkonoší
ELEV: 917 ft / 280 m
Circuit: 1900 ft / 580 m AMSL

SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1400
otherwise 24 HR O/R

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL
Flights of powered aircraft over built-up areas in the vicinity of AD below altitudes 1900 ft/580 m are prohibited for the reason of noise abatement.
Taxiing along RWY only or according to instructions of Providing information to known traffic.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
12 | 125° | 740 x 23 | 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa | 740 | 770 | 740 | 740 |
30 | 305° | 740 x 23 | 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa | 740 | 770 | 740 | 740 |

Aeroklub Hořice v Podkrkonoší, z.s.
letiště Hořice, Holovousy 117, 508 01 Hořice,
+420 604 931 482,
Pavel Procházka - PTS letecká spol. s r. o. - +420 724 072 476,
Lubomír Šťovíček - head of air traffic - +420 724 488 221,
Mgr. Zdeněk Švec - statutory representative - +420 603 342 121
Pavel Vitvar - deputy of the head of air traffic - +420 603 342 188

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1Snow clearance is not provided.
1.2RWYs are unserviceable after prolonged rains.
1.3Traffic circuits
- RWY 12 left hand, right hand traffic circuits
- RWY 30 left hand, right hand traffic circuits
The traffic circuit altitude is 1900 ft/580 m.
1.4Noise abatement
1.4.1Flights of powered aircraft over built-up areas in the vicinity of AD below altitudes 1900 ft/580 m are prohibited for the reason of noise abatement.
1.5Arrivals of aircraft without two-way radio communictaion are possible after a previous agreement with AD operator.
1.6Taxiing along RWY only or according to instructions of Providing information to known traffic.
2Additional information
2.1Outside operational hours of AD LKHC the arrivals are approved by prior arrangement with AD operator only (check of movement area serviceability).
2.2Arrival/departure of aircraft with overall lenght grater than or equal to 9 m or maximum width of fuselage grater than 2 m is allowed only after agreement with aerodrome operator (provision of rescue and firefighting service).
3Charges for aerodromes
3.1Landing charges
Per aircraft - during operational hours | 100,00 |
Per aircraft - outside of operational hours | 100,00 |
3.2Parking charges
Hangar (after agreement) per 24 hours | 500,00 |
3.3Charges for passenger service