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LKPY - Praha 10 - Vinohrady

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LKPY - Praha 10 - Vinohrady

StatutPrivate domestic heliport HEMS
ProvozVFR day/night
50 04 28,64 N, 014 28 55,28 E
4,5 km ESE Praha city center
ELEV: 781 ft / 238 m
Provozní dobaHX
Záchranná službaNIL
Důležité informace
Approach: Take-offs:
VFR day 251°, 321° 071°, 141°
VFR night 321° 141°

Only HEMS flights allowed.

surface-level HEMS heliport
value „D“ - 19 m
FATO – square 28,3 x 28,3 m, grass
SA – square 37,7 x 37,7 m, grass
TLOF – square 10 x 10 m, concrete, strength 6400 kg/0,5 MPa

WDI (30 m NW)
FATO: perimeter markings/lighting FATO, designation markings
TLOF: perimeter markings/lighting TLOF
ALS: shortened, length 25 m
heliport beacon

Heliport lighting system control is provided locally from the dispatching (telephone +420 267 162 237) or by remote radio control from the helicopter deck (by keying FREQ 135,460):
3x within 5 seconds - intensity 10%
5x within 5 seconds - intensity 30%
7x within 5 seconds - intensity 100%
All lights turn off automatically 15 minutes after the radio remote control command.

Charges: NIL

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL


1 tree 50 04 29,59 N, 014 28 55,91 E 830 ft / 253 m NIL
2 tree 50 04 29,57 N, 014 28 56,33 E 820 ft / 250 m NIL
3 tree 50 04 29,58 N, 014 28 56,89 E 817 ft / 249 m NIL

Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady
Šrobárova 1150/50, 100 00 Praha 10 - Vinohrady

Ing. Jan Ludvík MBA (responsible person of operator) - telephone +420 777 861 040,  jan.ludvik@fnkv.cz

PBX - telephone +420 267 161 111

dispatching (lighting system control) - telephone +420 267 162 237

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