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LKLB - Liberec

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LKLB - Liberec

StatutPrivate international aerodrome
ProvozVFR day, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 50° 46' 06" N, 15° 01' 30" E
2,5 km W Liberec
ELEV: 1329 ft / 405 m
Circuit: 2330 ft / 710 m AMSL
Provozní dobaHO (Aeroklub Liberec) otherwise O/R
HangárováníO/R, limited
ServisO/R, limited
Ubytováníhotels Liberec
Dopravabus 27, 600, 14, 16,
taxi telephone +420 602 410 760
Liberec RADIO122,605
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: After agreement with Aeroclub Liberec MIN 24 HR in advance on telephone +420 720 046 104.

Noise abatement

  • Flights over the built up area of the town Liberec (with the exception of traffic circuits) are to be flown at MNM altitude 3300 ft/1000 m AMSL. Carry out the trajectory of flight so as not to circle repeatedly in the same area.

In time of Providing information to known traffic, considering the meteorological situation and further traffic conditions it is necessary to favour the direct approaches and direct departures of ACFT without needless circling flights.

    Taxiing prohibited outside movement area marked by barrels.

      Aircrafts and helicopters are prohibited from parking on places marked on ADC due to disruption of approach path for rescue service helicopters. It is also forbidden to park on unapproved grounds, these areas are outside marked movement areas of the aerodrome.

        RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
        16 162° 1020 x 50 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 1020 1080 1020 900
        34 342° 900 x 50 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 960 960 1020 1020

        Statutární město Liberec
        Nám. Dr. E. Beneše 1, 460 59 Liberec 1, telephone +420 485 243 111

        Aeroklub Liberec z.s. - Ostašovská 569/65, 460 11 Liberec 11, telephone +420 778 006 446

        Tomáš Kulhavý (head of air traffic) - telephone +420 720 046 104

        Professional Meteorogical Station - telephone +420 606 779 570

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        1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

        1.1RWY is unserviceable after prolonged rains.

        1.2The traffic circuits

        1. Aeroplanes and powered gliders carry out left hand traffic circuits
          • after take off from RWY 16 divert to heading 190° (to the places with lower housing estate);
          • during the flight between downwind turn and base turn, do not cross the line Stráž nad Nisou (church) - railway station Liberec towards the town;
          • after take off from RWY 34 divert to heading 010° (to avoid Ještěd mountain);
          • during the flight between downwind turn and base turn, do not cross the border of woodland towards Ještěd mountain.

          The altitude of crosswind turn and final turn is 1820 ft/555 m AMSL.

          The altitude of traffic circuits is 2330 ft/710 m AMSL.

        2. Gliders and ultralight aircraft carry out traffic circuits:
          • RWY 16 - right hand
          • RWY 34 - left hand

        1.3Noise abatement

        1.3.1Flights over the built up area of the town Liberec (with the exception of traffic circuits) are to be flown at MNM altitude 3300 ft/1000 m AMSL. Carry out the trajectory of flight so as not to circle repeatedly in the same area.

        1.4In time of Providing information to known traffic, considering the meteorological situation and further traffic conditions it is necessary to favour the direct approaches and direct departures of ACFT without needless circling flights.

        1.5The aeroplane arrivals without two way radio contact are possible only after previous settlement with AD operator.

        1.6Outside operational hours arrivals to LKLB are allowed only after previous agreement with the head of air traffic (check of movement areas serviceability).

        1.7Taxiing prohibited outside movement area marked by barrels.

        1.8Aircrafts and helicopters are prohibited from parking on places marked on ADC due to disruption of approach path for rescue service helicopters. It is also forbidden to park on unapproved grounds, these areas are outside marked movement areas of the aerodrome.

        1.9The road near the RWY 16 THR shall be overflown during take-off and landing at minimum height 15 m from the lowest part of the aircraft or towed object.

        2Additional information

        2.1There is Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Centre at the aerodrome - call sign KRYSTOF 18. For contacts see AIP CR, GEN 1.2.

        2.2Providing information to known traffic in Czech language. In English language can be agreed with Aeroclub Liberec minimally 24 HR in advance.

        2.3Strip and apron are monitored by camera system.

        2.4Arrival/departure of an aircraft with total length greater than or equal to 9 m or with maximum fuselage width greater than 2 m is permitted only by prior agreement with the aerodrome operator (to arrange rescue and firefighting services).

        3Charges for aerodromes

        3.1Landing charges

        Ultralight aircraft 100,00
        Aircraft (per each initiated tonne) 100,00

        Note: It does not apply to members of Aeroclub of the Czech republic who have agreed to the memorandum of landing fees.

        3.2Parking charges

        Hangar - rate per day 200,00

        Apron - free of charge per day, charge for long-term parking according to an agreement with the aerodrome operator.

        3.3Charges for passenger service



        The charge for dispatch of international flight is subject of a settlement with the aerodrome operator.

        Landing charges can be payed to the unit Providing information to known traffic (RADIO) or into account: 192 22 00 90/0600 (GE Money).