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LKPD - Pardubice

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LKPD - Pardubice

StatutPublic international aerodrome
ProvozIFR, VFR
ARP: 50° 00' 48" N, 15° 44' 18" E
4 km SW from centre of Pardubice town
ELEV: 741 ft / 226 m
Provozní dobaMON-SUN 0700-1800 (0600-1700)
Flights outside of operational hours O/R 24 HR in advance in the operational hours of the AD. Below listed services are provided only for aircraft arriving and departing in the operational hours of the AD. Contact handling for service provision outside of the operational hours of the AD.
PalivoJET A1, AVGAS 100 LL
ServisNot available.
UbytováníHotels in Pardubice, Hradec Králové, Chrudim, Přelouč.
RestauraceRestaurants in the city center (3,5 km).
DopravaMunicipal transport, TAXI, car rent.
Pardubice VĚŽ/TOWER120,155
Pardubice RADAR128,365
Pardubice PŘESNÝ/PRECISION123,300
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: As AD Administration.

Aerodrome traffic circuits have to be carried out to the south, avoiding Pardubice town, if not instructed otherwise by TWR.

    The height of cloud base is related to ELEV THR RWY 27.

      VFR flights may be performed on other than published tracks if specified so by ATS unit.

        North aerodrome traffic circuits can be cleared for those aircraft, pilots-in-command of which are able to avoid LKP6.

          Authorized signalmen control the movement and assign parking positions to aircraft on the apron.

            Unless otherwise instructed by TWR, after landing and leaving RWY or starting up engines on APN ACFT has to wait for "FOLOW ME", that provides their guidance along TWY from/to APN.

              Designation Location Coordinates
              ALFA Svinčany - municipal office 49° 58' 31" N 015° 38' 35" E
              BRAVO Úhřetice - industry hall 49° 58' 27" N 015° 52' 13" E
              CHARLIE Křičeň - collective farm 50° 06' 56" N 015° 39' 10" E
              DELTA Bohumileč - 1 NM east of golf course 50° 06' 09" N 015° 51' 25" E
              ECHO Zámrsk - train station 49° 59' 42" N 016° 06' 33" E Entry / exit
              LIMA Lhota u Skutče - 0,3 NM west 49° 51' 33" N 016° 02' 05" E Entry / exit
              NOVEMBER Opatovice - traffic roundabout 50° 08' 21" N 015° 47' 19" E Entry / exit
              OSKAR Tůmovka - pond 50° 07' 50" N 016° 04' 00" E Entry / exit
              SIERRA Chrast - church 49° 54' 05" N 015° 56' 09" E Entry / exit
              WHISKY Chýšť - collective farm 50° 07' 40" N 015° 32' 12" E Entry / exit
              XRAY Prachovice - cement plant 49° 53' 50" N 015° 38' 26" E Entry / exit
              Arrival routes 09 Waypoint sequence
              ECHO 1B ECHO - DELTA - CHARLIE
              SIERRA 1B SIERRA - BRAVO - ALFA
              WHISKY 1B WHISKY - CHARLIE
              XRAY 1B XRAY - ALFA
              Arrival routes 27 Waypoint sequence
              ECHO 1A ECHO - DELTA
              SIERRA 1A SIERRA - BRAVO
              XRAY 1A XRAY - ALFA - BRAVO
              Departure routes 09 Waypoint sequence
              ECHO 1E DELTA - ECHO
              SIERRA 1E BRAVO - SIERRA
              XRAY 1E BRAVO - ALFA - XRAY
              Departure routes 27 Waypoint sequence
              ECHO 1W CHARLIE - DELTA - ECHO
              SIERRA 1W ALFA - BRAVO - SIERRA
              WHISKY 1W CHARLIE - WHISKY
              XRAY 1W ALFA - XRAY
              RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
              09 089° 2500 x 75 PCN 48/R/B/W/T 2500 2715 2500 2500
              27 269° 2500 x 75 PCN 48/R/B/W/T 2500 2670 2500 2500

              East Bohemian Airport, a.s.
              Pražská 179,
              530 06 Pardubice 6, fax +420 460 002 870, AFTN: LKPDZPZX (ARO) , AFTN: LKPDZTZX (TWR) , SITA: PEDCZXH

              handling - telephone +420 460 002 873, telephone +420 460 002 872, telephone +420 724 462 462,  handling@airport-pardubice.cz

              military TWR - telephone +420 973 333 171, telephone +420 973 242 440, fax +420 973 242 097,  twr.lkpd@mo.gov.cz

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              1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

              1.1The operators shall submit a flight plan for each flight to/from the airport with an exception of flights in accordance with provision ENR in AIP CR.

              1.2Air traffic services to civil air traffic in MTMA and MCTR are provided by military ATS unit. Air traffic services to civil air traffic carrying out approach to RWY 09/27 are provided by military ATS unit only in operational hours of airport administration (East Bohemian Airport a.s.).

              1.3Aerodrome traffic circuits have to be carried out to the south, avoiding Pardubice town, if not instructed otherwise by TWR.

              1.4Aircraft taxiing

              1.4.1Authorized signalmen control the movement and assign parking positions to aircraft on the apron.

              1.4.2Engine start up clearance granted by aerodrome control tower is required.

              1.4.3Taxi clearance granted by the aerodrome control tower (TWR) does not release the pilot-in-command from the duty to follow the instructions of the signalman. Aircraft taxiing from APN without signalmen approval is prohibited. If the pilot-in-command begins to taxi or continues taxiing without the assistance of the signalman, he shall assume full responsibility for avoiding collision with other aircraft, persons or objects on the apron.

              1.4.4Unless otherwise instructed by TWR, after landing and leaving RWY or starting up engines on APN ACFT has to wait for "FOLOW ME", that provides their guidance along TWY from/to APN.

              1.5Complete handling of flights is provided by EBA.

              1.6Training flights

              1.6.1The training flights shall be coordinated in advance with the MTWR LKPD, telephone +420 973 242 440, telephone +420 973 333 171 and together with the AD operator, telephone 460 002 872, telephone 460 002 873, telephone +420 724 462 462.

              1.6.2Training flights will be assigned a time slot for the flight. If the time slot is not followed, the training flight may be rejected.

              1.6.3The training flights could be restricted.

              1.7Flight procedures

              1.7.1The height of cloud base is related to ELEV THR RWY 27.

              1.7.2VFR entry and exit significant points are shown on VFRC.

              VFR entry and exit significant points to/from MCTR LKPD
              ECHO 49° 59' 42" N 016° 06' 33" E Zámrsk - train station
              LIMA 49° 51' 33" N 016° 02' 05" E Lhota u Skutče - 0,3 NM west
              NOVEMBER 50° 08' 21" N 015° 47' 19" E Opatovice - traffic roundabout
              OSKAR 50° 07' 50" N 016° 04' 00" E Tůmovka - pond
              SIERRA 49° 54' 05" N 015° 56' 09" E Chrast - church
              WHISKY 50° 07' 40" N 015° 32' 12" E Chýšť - collective farm
              XRAY 49° 53' 50" N 015° 38' 26" E Prachovice - cement plant
              Points of VFR routes
              ALFA 49° 58' 31" N 015° 38' 35" E Svinčany - municipal office
              BRAVO 49° 58' 27" N 015° 52' 13" E Úhřetice - industry hall
              CHARLIE 50° 06' 56" N 015° 39' 10" E Křičeň - collective farm
              DELTA 50° 06' 09" N 015° 51' 25" E Bohumileč - 1 NM east of golf course

              1.7.3VFR flights may be performed on other than published tracks if specified so by ATS unit.

              1.7.4Aerodrome traffic circuits

              South aerodrome traffic circuits are carried out:

              North aerodrome traffic circuits can be cleared for those aircraft, pilots-in-command of which are able to avoid LKP6.

              2Additional information

              2.1The airport is a military airport with civil air traffic.

              3Charges for aerodromes

              3.1Landing charges

              Domestic flights (per tonne of MTOW) 280,00
              International flights (per tonne of MTOW) 280,00

              3.2Parking charges

              H24 (per hour and tonne of MTOW) 10,00

              3.3Charges for passenger service

              Domestic flights (per passenger) 500,00
              International flights (per passenger) 500,00
