LKSR - Strunkovice

9,5 km NE Prachatice
ELEV: 1565 ft / 477 m
Circuit: 2530 ft / 771 m AMSL

SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1500
otherwise O/R

bus: Strunkovice nad Blanicí (1,5 km)
taxi: Prachatice (12 km), Vodňany (13 km)

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL
The minimum height of aeroplanes above the village Strunkovice is 1000 ft / 300 m AGL.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
15 | 152° | 900 x 23 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 900 | 930 | 900 | 900 |
33 | 332° | 900 x 23 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 900 | 930 | 900 | 900 |

Aeroklub Prachatice z.s.
Strunkovice nad Blanicí 278, 384 26 Strunkovice nad Blanicí,
+420 388 327 124 (SAT, SUN 0600-1600)

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1Arrivals outside operational hours shall be arranged with AD operator in advance.
1.2The traffic circuit altitude is 2530 ft / 771 m AMSL.
1.3The minimum height of aeroplanes above the village Strunkovice is 1000 ft / 300 m AGL.
1.4RWY could be unserviceable after prolonged rains.
1.5Snow clearance is not provided in winter.
1.6Arrivals and departures only in case of two-way radio communication. Arrivals and departures without radio only with agreement of the aerodrome operator.
1.7During take-offs from RWY 15 and landings on RWY 33, the aircraft’s trajectory crosses the Strunkovice nad Blanicí - Protivec road. For safety reasons, this road must be overflown at a minimum height of 15 m from the lowest part of the aircraft or towed object.
2Additional information
2.1Arrival/departure of an aircraft with length greater than or equal to 9 m or with maximum fuselage width greater than 2 m is permitted only by prior agreement with the aerodrome operator (to arrange rescue and firefighting services).
2.2Providing information to known traffic in Czech language only. Providing information to known traffic in English language O/R.
3Charges for aerodromes
3.1Landing charges
Per tonne of MTOW | 200,00 |
3.2Parking charges
Per hour and tonne of MTOW | 2,00 |
First hour free of charge
3.3Charges for passenger service
Parachutist per jump | 40,00 |