LKTB - BRNO/Tuřany

125° GEO - 7,5 km Brno railway station
ELEV: 778 ft / 237 m


Customs and immigration clearance: H24
Taxiing from aprons to RWY 08/26 is led along concrete TWYs, RWY 09/27 and grassy TWYs. RWY 08/26 and grassy TWYs are located in the emergency strip south of RWY 09/27.
Aircraft after landing on the RWY 08/26, unless cleared to taxi, have to vacate RWY to the nearest marked holding bay or TWY W. Holding bay and TWY W are located south of RWY 08/26. Pilots have to report “RWY vacated” to TWR.
During taxiing to APN from RWY 08/26 the pilots have to ask for clearance to cross RWY 09/27.
During taxiing to RWY 08/26 the pilots have to stop on marked holding positions and ask for a clearance to cross RWY 09/27.
Designation | Location | Coordinates | |
NOVEMBER | Kuřim (railway crossing SE of town) | 49° 17' 32" N 016° 33' 37" E | Entry |
ECHO | Rousínov (church) | 49° 12' 13" N 016° 53' 10" E | Entry |
SIERRA | Klobouky u Brna | 48° 59' 52" N 016° 51' 44" E | Entry |
WHISKY | Ořechov (church) | 49° 06' 39" N 016° 31' 15" E | Entry |
ZULU | Velké Němčice intersection of the highway and minor road NE of the city | 48° 59' 47" N 016° 41' 20" E | Entry |
ALFA | Sokolnice (railway crossing) | 49° 07' 03" N 016° 42' 12" E | |
BRAVO | Podolí (highway overpass) | 49° 10' 54" N 016° 42' 45" E |
Arrival routes | Waypoint sequence |
Departure routes | Waypoint sequence |
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
09 | 092° | 2650 x 60 | PCN 48/R/A/X/T | 2650 | 2950 | 2650 | 2650 |
27 | 272° | 2650 x 60 | PCN 48/R/A/X/T | 2650 | 2950 | 2650 | 2650 |
08 | 092° | 800 x 30 | 5700 kg / 1,5 MPa | 800 | 860 | 800 | 800 |
26 | 272° | 800 x 30 | 5700 kg / 1,5 MPa | 800 | 860 | 800 | 800 |

Letiště Brno - Tuřany 904/1, 627 00 Brno,
+420 545 521 111,
+420 545 216 346,
Handling agent at the airport Brno/Tuřany:
LETIŠTĚ BRNO a.s. (for all flights) - +420 545 521 309,
+420 545 521 310,
+420 545 216 346,
SITA: BRQCZ7X (FREQ: 131,805, call sign BRNO HANDLING)

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1Co-ordination of training flights
1.1.1The operator of the airport LETIŠTĚ BRNO a.s. coordinates training flights in cooperation with the Air Navigation Services of the CR in the form of sharing and editing data from the LARS system. See more in 1.2 Coordination of Local Flight Activity with ATS unit.
1.1.2Training flights can expect delays and restrictions in their intended local flight activity due to higher air traffic density. Training flights up to 2000 kg MTOW can expect extensive delays and restrictions in their intended local flight activity at LKTB in the period from 1030 to 1230 (0930 - 1130) due to limited ATC capacity.
1.2Coordination of Local FLight Activity with ATS unit
1.2.1Local flight activity (LFA)
The term “local flight activity” (LFA) means a flight activity related to repetitive landings and take-offs, touch and go landings and low approaches (passes) over the RWY at the appropriate airport.
The coordination is executed by means of LARS (Local Activity Reservation System)
application, which is accessible from web environment via a web browser`s interface.
Each user has to be registered in the system (by using login name and password) common
for the application of Flight information services of the CR. Without signing in to
the system, it is not allowed to create or modify any reservation.
The application accessibility is also assured via selfbriefing workstation at LKTB.
1.2.2Pilots and aircraft operators
Pilots and aircraft operators intending to execute a LFA in CTR Tuřany are obliged to submit their requirement by filling of the form on webpage http://lis.rlp.cz/lars together with the basic flight parameters (flight rules, type of flight, flight identification, contact to the pilot, requested LFA time period) and with the description of requested LFA.
For LFA to be performed, it is inevitable to obtain the confirmation in a form of a “LFA slot”, containing a time period, determined for the execution of the expected flight activity.
The LFA slot acquisition is compulsory for all pilots and aircraft operators intending to perform the activities characterized as repetitive:
- landings and take-offs (touch and go landings)
- low approaches over the RWY or
- instrument approaches at the LKTB irrespective of the flight rules and/or the type of flight.
LFA slot represents the time period of LFA execution exclusively. The time of entry to the CTR Tuřany is considered the time of LFA beginning. The time of LFA termination is considered when the outbound flight is commenced towards the destination aerodrome or the time of landing at LKTB.
The reservation is not required for the single movements over the RWY not corresponding to the principle of LFA, i.e. e.g.:
- one aerodrome traffic circuit flight beginning and terminating at the appropriate airport,
- single touch and go at local airport from cross country flights where departure and/or arrival airport are different from the appropriate aerodrome or
- single instrument approach terminated with full stop landing or with low approach (pass) continuing to other destination than local airport.
Despite received and confirmed “LFA slot”, appropriate ATC unit at LKTB has the right to modify or even to cancel confirmed reservation due to operational reasons. Pilot is notified of this fact via email or SMS on the registered phone number.
1.2.3Contingency procedures
In case of LARS outage or failure, LFA in CTR Tuřany shall be coordinated with ATC unit on frequency of TWR or GND before starting the engines or before entering the area of responsibility of appropriate ATS units.
1.3Aircraft taxiing and parking
1.3.1Authorized signalmen control the movement and assign parking positions on aprons.
1.3.2Taxi clearance issued by the GROUND unit or TWR does not exempt the pilot from his duty to follow the signalman instructions. If the pilot-in-command begins or continues taxiing without the guidance of the signalman, he or she is responsible for avoiding collision with other aircraft, vehicles, persons or objects on the apron.
1.3.3Taxiing from aprons to RWY 08/26 is led along concrete TWYs, RWY 09/27 and grassy TWYs. RWY 08/26 and grassy TWYs are located in the emergency strip south of RWY 09/27.
1.3.4ATC service is not provided at the parking area NORTH. TWY F is serviceable only for code letter A aircraft.
1.3.5No engine test runs are allowed on aprons of the airport. Engine tests are allowed to be carried out only on places specified by AD operator.
1.3.6For safety reasons only minimum engine power shall be used for commencement of taxiing on aprons MIDDLE and WEST.
1.3.7If the aircraft being handled on aprons MIDDLE or WEST requires an air start unit (ASU) for start up of its engines due to unserviceability of auxiliary power unit (APU) it is not allowed to increase idle revolutions of the engine at the stand. For this reason (if not possible otherwise), after start up of one of the engines with assistance of ASU, the aircraft is desired to taxi from the stand to adjacent TWY A, turn into the direction of taxiing and to stop on TWY A, then with apron controller's assistance to carry out start up of the next engine with increased revolutions of the already started up engine. The procedure of engines start up with ASU shall be coordinated with handling agent, apron controller and communication with TURANY GROUND (TURANY TWR) shall be established prior to the beginning of taxiing.
1.3.8Holding point RWY 08/26 on TWY W is also dedicated as a holding point for RWY 09/27.
1.4Fuelling of aircraft with the passengers on board
1.4.1Fire assistance is required for fuelling of aircraft with passengers on board (sitting, alighting or boarding). The pilot-in-command is obliged to report information about the presence of passenger on board of the aircraft, in connection with the fire assistance, to his handling agent. Aircraft fuelling with the passengers on board further adheres to internal regulations of service providers.
1.5VFR departures without a FPL
1.5.1Prior to VFR departure without a FPL at heights up to 1000 ft/300 m AGL, the pilot when requesting the taxi clearance shall submit by a radio the following information to the GROUND/TWR unit:
- aircraft identification;
- aircraft type;
- CTR exit point;
- height of the flight.
1.6Noise abatement procedures
1.6.1Training flights reason of noise abatement flights, including flights along traffic circuit, should not be carried out over built-up areas of villages Tuřany, Holásky, Dvorska, Kobylnice, Šlapanice, Slatina, unless otherwise stated by ATC service (for example for provision of separation, avoiding the clouds etc.). traffic circuit altitude is 1800 ft AMSL for all aircraft including sporting flying equipments and powered gliders. flights may be carried out outside built-up areas only and according to ATC instructions.
1.7Flight procedures
1.7.1Cloud base height is related to THR RWY 27 elevation.
1.7.2Grass RWY is designated according to the direction of landing or take-off as:
- RWY 08 or
- RWY 26
1.7.3 RWY 08/26 is available only HJ for VFR flights (and special VFR flights).
1.7.4Information about availability of RWY 08/26 as “RWY in use” will not be particularly broadcasted in ATIS. Pilots who intend to use RWY 08/26 for landing are requested to report it on initial contact with ACC or TWR and for take-off when requesting start-up or taxi clearance. Information about actual condition and availability of RWY 08/26 are disseminated by NOTAM and they are not included in ATIS information.
1.7.5Aircraft after landing on the RWY 08/26, unless cleared to taxi, have to vacate RWY to the nearest marked holding bay or TWY W. Holding bay and TWY W are located south of RWY 08/26. Pilots have to report “RWY vacated” to TWR.
1.7.6For VFR flights entering CTR from class G or E airspace the pilots shall establish radio contact with TWR at least 3 minutes before entering CTR select the SSR code A2000 according to VFR-ENR 4.1, unless have been instructed on a discrete code by ATS unit, and pass the following information on:
- identification of aircraft;
- type of aircraft (only flights without FPL);
- entry point into CTR;
- exit point from CTR (for aircraft flying through CTR);
- estimated time of entry into CTR;
- aerodrome of landing (only flights without FPL)
The pilot notifies TWR, when the aircraft is not equipped with SSR transponder, or the transponder is U/S or is working on Mode A/C or Mode A only.
1.7.7Pilots-in-command are requested to confirm ATIS information and read back its QNH when they establish radio contact.
1.7.8During taxiing to APN from RWY 08/26 the pilots have to ask for clearance to cross RWY 09/27.
1.7.9During taxiing to RWY 08/26 the pilots have to stop on marked holding positions and ask for a clearance to cross RWY 09/27.
1.7.10VFR entry/exit significant points to/from CTR and holding points:
Designation | Location | Coordinates | |
NOVEMBER | Kuřim (railway crossing SE of town) | 49 17 32 N 016 33 37 E | entry |
ECHO | Rousínov (church) | 49 12 13 N 016 53 10 E | entry |
WHISKY | Ořechov (church) | 49 06 39 N 016 31 15 E | entry |
ZULU | Velké Němčice intersection of the highway and minor road NE of the city | 48 59 47 N 016 41 20 E | entry |
ALFA | Sokolnice (railway crossing) | 49 07 03 N 016 42 12 E | holding |
BRAVO | Podolí (highway overbridge) | 49 10 54 N 016 42 45 E | holding |
1.7.11Procedures for departures of medical helicopters from Brno hospitals.
Due to difficulties with establishing two-way communication and obtaining ATC clearance prior departure the departures of medical helicopters from Brno hospitals are carried out as follows:
- For departures from Bohunice hospital ATC clearance must be received before lift off with no exception.
- Departures from other hospitals arriving to LKTB are allowed to proceed north of centerline of RWY 10 (MAX altitude 2000 ft) to Černovice area and if necessary to start holding over there until further clearance from TWR Tuřany.
- Departures from other hospitals leaving CTR Tuřany may proceed north of heliport (MAX altitude 2000 ft) until further clearance from TWR Tuřany.
1.8Procedures for balloon flights in CTR Tuřany
1.8.1Prior to take-off from a place inside CTR Tuřany, a pilot of balloon shall request
ATC clearance from TWR Tuřany by phone
+420 548 424 875.
1.8.2Prior to take-off from a place outside CTR Tuřany, if the balloon subsequently enters
the CTR, a pilot of balloon is obliged to negotiate estimated time of entry the CTR,
flight altitude and expected route with TWR Tuřany,
+420 548 424 875.
1.8.3Prior to entering the CTR Tuřany, a pilot of balloon in flight is obliged to request ATC clearance from TWR Tuřany in advance, so that in case of refusal he/she might be able to land safely outside the CTR Tuřany.
1.8.4The conditions for entering the CTR Tuřany are as follows:
- two-way radio communication,
- receipt of ATC clearance from TWR Tuřany and agreeing on procedures for the event of loss of communication.
1.8.5Balloons flights may be considerably restricted if necessary to maintain the required level of safety, fluency and efficiency of flights in CTR Tuřany, especially when the intended flight path of balloons is conflicting with the traffic in the area of take-off and landing.
2Additional information
3Charges for aerodromes
The current price list of airport charges and fees can be downloaded from the official website of the airport operator https://www.brno-airport.cz/b2b/letistni-poplatky-a-sluzby-letadlum/.
3.1Landing charges
See price list.
3.2Parking charges
See price list.
3.3Charges for passenger service
See price list.