LKZM - Žamberk

1,5 km W Žamberk
ELEV: 1408 ft / 429 m
Circuit: 2620 ft / 800 m

SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1400
otherwise O/R

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL
Do not carry out flights below height 980 ft/300 m GND over the town Žamberk.
MTMA Pardubice 6 km W.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
13 | 134° | 725 x 100 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 725 | 755 | 725 | 725 |
31 | 314° | 725 x 100 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 725 | 755 | 725 | 725 |

Aeroklub Žamberk
letiště Žamberk 1023, 564 01 Žamberk,
+420 465 614 693,

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1Snow clearenace of movement area is not provided.
1.2The traffic circuits:
- RWY 13 right hand traffic circuits,
- RWY 31 left hand traffic circuits.
The traffic circuit altitude is 2620 ft/800 m AMSL.
1.3Do not carry out flights below height 980 ft/300 m GND over the town Žamberk.
1.4MTMA Pardubice 6 km W.
1.5The roads in both CWY shall be overflown during take-off and landing at least 15 m from the lowest part of the aircraft or towed object.
2Additional information
3Charges for aerodromes
3.1Landing charges
Per aircraft | 50,00 |
3.2Parking charges
Per hour and tonne of MTOW | 3,00 |
3.3Charges for passenger service