LKCDUB - Český Dub

km NNE Český Dub
ELEV: 1303 ft / 397 m

Overfly the village Český Dub at a minimum height of 1000 ft / 300 m AGL.
Turbulence at north winds with speeds above 7 m/s.
Unidirectional sport flying equipment field. Take-offs only from RWY 17 (left circuits), landing on RWY 35.
Snow clearance is not provided.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions |
17 | 170° | 400 x 25 |
35 | 350° | 400 x 25 |

Třída 1. Máje 24a/66, 460 01 Liberec III,
+420 602 451 799,
Ing. Milan Bábovka (deputy of the operator) - +420 777 550 091,

2Additional information
3Charges for aerodromes
3Local traffic regulations and restrictions
3.1Overfly the village Český Dub at a minimum height of 1000 ft / 300 m AGL.
3.2Turbulence at north winds with speeds above 7 m/s.
3.3Unidirectional sport flying equipment field. Take-offs only from RWY 17 (left circuits), landing on RWY 35.
3.4Snow clearance is not provided.