LKHB - Havlíčkův Brod

2,4 km SW Havlíčkův Brod
ELEV: 1519 ft / 463 m
Circuit: 2500 ft / 760 m AMSL

SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1400
otherwise O/R

Customs and immigration clearance: O/R 24HR in advance, visas are not granted
Obstacle (mast) at location 49 35 52 N 015 32 58 E. HGT 50 m AGL, ELEV 455 m AMSL. Day and night marking. Be careful.
AD is located in vicinity of MTMA Čáslav.
The traffic circuits
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
11 | 111° | 800 x 50 | 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa | 800 | 830 | 800 | 800 |
29 | 291° | 800 x 50 | 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa | 800 | 830 | 800 | 800 |

Aeroklub Havlíčkův Brod, z.s.
Horní Papšíkov 125, 580 01 Havlíčkův Brod,
+420 603 790 245,
Václav Stejskal (chairman) - +420 605 554 207,
+420 778 751 903,
Jaroslav Petrů (head of air traffic) - +420 603 548 535,
Reception - +420 603 760 245

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1Movement area operability
1.1.1With regard to the grass surface, decreased level of movement area operability may be expected after heavy rains.
1.1.2Snow clearing is not provided over the winter period.
1.2AD is located in vicinity of MTMA Čáslav.
1.3The traffic circuits
1.3.1Carry out the traffic circuits only southwards from RWY.
1.3.2The traffic circuit altitude is 2500 ft / 760 m AMSL.
1.4Noise abatement procedures
1.4.1Aircraft flying along the traffic circuit shall not overfly Poděbaby, Březinka, Hurtova Lhota, Šmolovy, Svatý Kříž villages and populated area near Dolík train station.
1.4.2Towing aircraft operations are allowed only upon prior agreement of the operator.
1.5Arrival/departure of aircraft without two-way radio contact are allowed only upon prior agreement of the operator.
1.6Arrivals outside operational hours are allowed only upon prior agreement of the operator (check of movement areas serviceability).
1.7Training circuit flights of other operators are allowed only upon prior agreement of the aerodrome operator and within operating hours of the aerodrome.
1.8Arrival/departure of aircraft with total length greater than or equal to 9 m or with fuselage width greater than 2 m or jet aircraft is allowed only upon prior agreement of the aerodrome operator (provision of rescue and fire fighting service).
1.9Radio controlled model activity in the area north of RWY.
1.10The roads in the aerodrome clearway shall be overflown at a minimum height of 15 m from the lowest part of the aircraft or towed object during take-off and landing.
2Additional information
2.1Obstacle (mast) at location 49 35 52 N 015 32 58 E. HGT 50 m AGL, ELEV 455 m AMSL. Day and night marking. Be careful.
2.2Providing information to known traffic in English on request 24 HR in advance.
2.3Request for custom and immigration service shall be submitted to aerodrome operator through a web application or a form available on the Internet site of the operator. The submission of such request shall not remove the obligation of pilot-in-command to submit Request for the Border Check.
3Charges for aerodromes
3.1Landing charges
Domestic flights (per tone of MTOW) | 100,00 |
3.2Parking charges
Parking of aircraft and SLZ on reserved areas (per night) | 100,00 |
3.3Charges for passenger service
Domestic flights (per passenger) | 100,00 |