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LKHK - Hradec Králové

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LKHK - Hradec Králové

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome / Private international aerodrome
ProvozVFR day/night, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 50° 15' 12" N, 15° 50' 43" E
4 km NE from the centre of town, east of the Labe river
ELEV: 791 ft / 241 m
Circuit: 1800 ft / 550 m AMSL
Provozní dobaMON-FRI 0700-TE (0600-TE (MAX 1800))
(0700-TE (MAX 1800))
except 24-26 DEC, 31 DEC - 1 JAN, Easter Monday; otherwise O/R
PalivoAVGAS 100LL - during operational hours;
JET A1 - during operational hours
see Additional information
OlejTOTAL 15W-50, SHELL 15W-50, EXXON 20W-50 - MON-FRI 0700-1500 (0600-1400)
all O/R, see Additional information
ServisO/R - by contract with Hradecká Letecká Servisní, s.r.o. with DSA a. s.
For types of aircraft see article 2.4.
UbytováníO/R 24 HR
Restauracelimited at the AD, city Hradec Králové
Dopravapublic transport - number 15 and 25
Kral RADIO122,005
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: O/R minimally 24 hours in advance. Visas are not granted.

Flights of powered aircraft above local villages below 1800 ft / 550 m AMSL are prohibited.

    Flights through ATZ at MNM 2500 ft / 830 m AMSL.

      RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
      33L 331° 800 x 25 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 800 830 800 800
      15R 151° 800 x 25 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 800 830 800 800
      33R 331° 2400 x 60 PCR 300/R/B/W/T 2400 2460 2400 2400
      15L 151° 2400 x 60 PCR 300/R/B/W/T 2400 2460 2400 2400

      Letecké služby Hradec Králové, a.s.
      Piletická 151, 500 03 Hradec Králové 3 - Rusek,  info@lshk.cz,  office@lshk.cz,  handling@lshk.cz

      Providing information to known traffic - telephone +420 491 617 687, telephone +420 733 603 191

      Handling - telephone +420 731 658 193

      Ing. Pavel Rind - telephone +420 733 603 168, EN

      Ing. Tomáš Kvítek - telephone +420 733 546 039, EN

      Ing. Jaroslav Farkaš - telephone +420 733 652 273, EN

      Office - telephone +420 491 619 011

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      1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

      1.1Snow clearance of movement area is provided in limited extent.

      1.2The traffic circuits:

      1.2.1For powered aircraft:

      1.2.2For helicopters:

      1.2.3For gliders:

      1.2.4Arrivals and departures of flights outside the aerodrome and cross-country flights are carried out by tangent from the traffic circuit or according to coordination with Providing information to known traffic unit.

      1.2.5Parallel operation (simultaneous take-off or landing) on RWY 15L/33R and 15R/33L is not possible.

      1.2.6If RWY 15R/33L is in use, do not use TWY D to enter RWY 15L.

      1.3The traffic circuit altitude is 1800 ft / 550 m AMSL.

      1.4Noise abatement procedures

      1.4.1Flights of powered aircraft above local villages below 1800 ft / 550 m AMSL are prohibited.

      1.4.2Flights through ATZ at MNM 2500 ft / 830 m AMSL.

      1.4.3Helicopter day training flights in traffic circuits are allowed from Monday to Friday from 0700 (0600) to 1500 (1400) UTC on Saturday from 0900 (0800) to 1300 (1200) UTC. Helicopter day training flights in traffic circuits outside this time period are prohibited.

      1.4.4On Sundays and public holidays helicopter training flights in traffic circuits are prohibited.

      1.4.5Helicopters carry out mainly west traffic circuits. Do not practice emergency landings to the terrain in an area inside the traffic circuits.

      1.4.6The maximum number of aircraft in training in traffic circuits is 6, while the maximum number of aircraft in a circuit at the same time is 4.

      1.4.7For night flights minimum traffic circuit altitude is 2100 ft / 700 m AMSL. Over the town Hradec Králové minimum altitude is 2500 ft / 830 m AMSL.

      1.4.8Carry out night training flights only in the eastern traffic circuit. The maximum number of aircraft in training in the traffic circuit at night is 4.

      1.4.9Night training flights in ATZ are allowed from Monday to Thursday from TE to 2100 (2000) UTC. Night training flights in ATZ outside this time period are prohibited.

      1.4.10Night training flights in ATZ are prohibited during public holiday.

      1.4.11Parachute jumping flights are allowed up to 1600 (1500) UTC on Sundays and public holidays. Perform climbing for parachute jumping flights outside of the ATZ.

      1.5Arrivals and departures outside the operational hours

      1.5.1For users with valid letter of agreement is is departure or arrival approved by the operator after its submission via online application, see  http://https://lshk.cz/zadosti-obsazenost.

      1.5.2For users without valid letter of agreement, arrivals and departures outside of operating hours are possible only after ordering via Ground Handling Request Form and after order approval by the aerodrome operator.

      1.5.3Requirements for serving individual arrivals and departures 24 HR in advance. Form - see  http://www.lshk.cz. Arrival or departure without approval of the aerodrome operator is charged according to chapter 3.

      1.6Training of night VFR flights O/R minimally 24 HR in advance from Providing information to known traffic unit. Form - see  http://www.lshk.cz. Charges - see chapter 3.

      1.7Flight procedures

      1.7.1Due to intense traffic of local flight schools, consult arrivals and training flights in the ATZ with the operator.

      1.7.2VFR ATZ-entry holding points:

      Designation Location Coordinates
      CELOV East edge of Černilov village (entry from E) 50 15 47 N 015 55 56 E
      CEPRO Cerekvice nad Bystřicí village (entry from NW) 50 20 00 N 015 43 27 E
      LAKE Opatovický písník (lake, entry from SW) 50 09 55 N 015 47 42 E

      1.8Movement areas for night operation

      1.8.1Only RWY 15L/33R is used for night departures and arrivals.

      1.8.2For entry to RWY 15L/33R at night, TWY A, C, D are used.

      1.8.3For movement of aircraft and helicopters at night, TWY A (between RWY, APR S, APR GA and TWY C), B (between TWY C and TWY D), TWY C, and TWY D are used.

      1.8.4APN GA is approved for night operation.

      1.9Area in front of hangars 74 and HLS - motion of aircraft and helicopters using its own propulsion is possible only between TWY A and security border of the apron.

      1.10Area against TWY D - use a portion of the area behind the red line only for the necessary time to refueling.

      2Additional information

      2.1Providing information to known traffic in Czech and English language.

      2.2Customs and immigration clearance

      2.2.1The request shall be submitted to AD operator at least 24 HR in advance and shall include following information:

      2.3Rescue and firefighting service on AD

      2.3.1CAT 2 - current category of the aerodrome for rescue and firefighting services (for airplanes with a fuselage length of not more than 12 m and a fuselage width of up to 2 m).

      2.3.2CAT 3 to 7 - O / R 24 hours in advance during the aerodrome operating hours (jet airplanes and airplanes with a fuselage length from 12 m to 49 m and a fuselage width from 3 m to 5 m).

      2.3.3Training flights of CAT 3 aircraft in traffic circuits shall be ordered 48 hours in advance.

      2.4Types of serviced aircraft:

      2.5Do not enter manoeuvring areas without a warning vest, harness or high visibility clothing or fluorescent material.

      2.6Fuel at aerodrome - AVGAS 100LL, JET A1 - during operational hours;

      2.7Oil at aerodrome - TOTAL 15W-50, SHELL 15W-50, EXXON 20W-50 - MON-FRI 0700-1500 (0600-1400). All O/R - Hradecká Letecká Servisní, s.r.o. or DSA a.s.

      3Charges for aerodromes

      All mentioned rates are without value added tax.

      3.1Landing charges

      Aircraft up to 1 t MTOW (including) 160,00200,00
      Aircraft up to 2 t MTOW (including) 270,00310,00
      Aircraft over 2 t MTOW - per each initiated tonne MTOW 270,00310,00

      3.2Parking charges

      Parking area: Aircraft up to 2 t - each day (first two hours free of charge) 300,00
      Parking area: Aircraft over 2 t - per every tonne and initiated day (first two hours free of charge) 250,00

      3.3Charges for passenger service

      Custom and immigration clearance of passengers and flight crew for flights outside EU and Schengen area (physical check of crew, passengers and baggage) - per person 250,00
      Security clearance of the crew and passengers (physical check of crew, passengers and baggage) - per person 300,00


      Charges for AD usage outside operating hours:
      Switching on RWY lights (up to 3 airplanes) - per each initiated hour: 4800,00
      Switching on RWY lights (each following airplane): 1600,00
      One-time lighting (for arrival/departure between 0600-2200 local time) - per movement: 6000,00
      One-time lighting (for arrival/departure between 2200-0600 local time) - per movement: 10000,00
      One-time lighting (for arrival/departure 1.1, Easter Monday, 24.12., 25.12., 26.12., 31.12.): 20000,00
      Switching lights on O/R within operating hours - per each initiated hour: 1500,00
      Airplane parking stand lighting O/R - per each initiated night: 1000,00

      Charges are charged according to the rules stated in the applications.

      Increasing AD fire category (see L14, ch. 9):
      CAT 3-4:
      First hour (presence 30 min prior to planned departure/arrival): 2000,00
      Each following initiated half hour: 1500,00
      CAT 5-7:
      First hour (presence 30 min prior to planned departure/arrival): 5000,00
      Each following initiated half hour: 3000,00