5.Designated authorities and organizations

5.1Civil aviation

5.1.1Central authority of the state administration responsible for the administration of the civil aviation:

Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
Civil Aviation Department
nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 12
P.O.Box 9, 110 15 Praha 1
telephone +420 225 131 357 - CAD director
fax +420 225 131 032 - CAD director

5.1.2Civil Aviation Authority:

CAA - Civil Aviation Authority
Ruzyně Airport
160 08 Praha 6
K letišti 1149/23
161 00 Praha 6

telephone +420 225 422 080
fax +420 220 561 823
 caa@caa.cz  caa@caa.gov.cz

5.1.3Aircraft Accidents Investigation

Air Accident Investigation Institute
Beranových 130
199 01 Praha 99 - Letňany
telephone +420 266 199 231 - secretariat
fax +420 266 199 234
telephone +420 724 300 800 - accident reports H24

5.1.4Light Aircraft Association

LAA Light Aircraft Association of the CR
Ke Kablu 289, 102 00 Praha 10
telephone +420 242 403 270


Note: LAA CR is the competent body authorized by the Ministry of Transport of the CR for administration of ultralight (microlight) aircraft in the Czech Republic. LAA CR issues certificates of airworthiness, technical standards, pilot licences and registration marks for ultralight aircraft. LAA CR is in charge of register of ultralight aircraft and pilots of ultralight aircraft. Agenda covers ultralight airplanes and ultralight helicopters and gyroplanes, paragliders, powered paragliders, hang gliders and powered hang gliders.