LKKV - Karlovy Vary

4,5 km SE Karlovy Vary
ELEV: 1989 ft / 606 m

MON - SUN (0600 - 1700) (UTC)
In period of Central European Time validity (winter season)
MON - SUN 0700 - 1500 (UTC)


Customs and immigration clearance: As AD Administration.
It is desirable that aircraft flying along the traffic circuit do not overfly the populated areas of villages Olšová Vrata, Kolová and Pila if practicable, and follow aerodrome traffic circuits according ATC instructions depicted on AD 2-LKKV-VFRC whenever the aircraft performance enables it.
Pilots of aircraft flying VFR at levels:
- up to and including 3500 ft AMSL, shall establish radio contact with VARY TWR 121,230 at least 3 minutes before entering CTR,
- above 3500 ft AMSL, shall establish radio contact with PRAHA RADAR 118,650 MHz at least 3 minutes before entering TMA,
In case of aircraft instructed by TWR to taxi to holding point RWY 29 via TWY A is not able to depart from RWY 29 from intersection A, pilot-in-command shall advise that to TWR prior commencing taxi.
When taxiing to RWY 12/30 pilot has to stop on marked holding positions and request clearance for crossing RWY 11/29.
When taxiing from RWY 12/30 to the apron the pilot has to request clearance before crossing RWY 11/29.
Designation | Location | Coordinates | |
NOVEMBER | Pond Velká Nejda | 50° 16' 54" N 012° 56' 19" E | Entry / exit |
ECHO | Žlutice (dam) | 50° 05' 03" N 013° 07' 36" E | Entry / exit |
SIERRA | Bečov | 50° 05' 02" N 012° 50' 24" E | Entry / exit |
WHISKY | Loket | 50° 11' 22" N 012° 45' 29" E | Entry / exit |
ALFA | Hotel Hubertus parking lot | 50° 14' 16" N 012° 55' 40" E | |
BRAVO | Stanovice (north bank of the dam) | 50° 10' 15" N 012° 53' 30" E |
Arrival routes | Waypoint sequence |
Departure routes | Waypoint sequence |
NOVEMBER 1 | After departure from RWY 11 - Left turn DCT NOVEMBER After departure from RWY 29 - Right turn DCT NOVEMBER |
ECHO 1 | After departure from RWY 11 - Right turn DCT ECHO After departure from RWY 29 - Left turn DCT ECHO |
SIERRA 1 | After departure from RWY 11 - Right turn DCT SIERRA After departure from RWY 29 - Left turn DCT SIERRA |
WHISKY 1 | After departure from RWY 11 - Right turn DCT WHISKY After departure from RWY 29 - Left turn DCT WHISKY |
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
29 | 288° | 2150 x 30 | PCN 54/F/A/X/T | 2010 | 2150 | 2010 | 2010 |
11 | 108° | 2150 x 30 | PCN 54/F/A/X/T | 2150 | 2350 | 2150 | 2010 |
30 | 288° | 800 x 18 | 5600 kg / 0.7 MPa | 800 | 800 | 800 | 800 |
12 | 108° | 800 x 18 | 5600 kg / 0.7 MPa | 800 | 800 | 800 | 800 |

Airport Karlovy Vary
K Letišti 132, 360 01 Karlovy Vary,
+420 353 360 636,
operator, handling - +420 353 360 611
director - +420 353 360 610
handling for diversions - +420 731 195 004
rescue and fire-fighting service unit - +420 353 360 614
Security unit (H24) - +420 353 360 618
traffic controller (winter maintenance) - +420 731 195 016

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1Outside operational hours of TWR Karlovy Vary the CTR and TMA Karlovy Vary is not
applied and the airspace classification is changing to class E and G. Information
about status of TWR Karlovy Vary is broadcasted by ATIS (127,640) in English language.
ATIS information can be obtained also on +420 353 239 798. Without information about ATC provision status CTR and TMA Karlovy Vary shall be
considered as active.
1.2Pilots of aircraft with MTOW over 5700 kg in the daytime and all aircraft at night shall use all the take-off run available (TORA) distance of RWY 11/29 for their take-off.
1.3Rock mining (quarry) connected with blasting is carried out in the area 1,5 km left of RWY 29 centre line and 7 km in front of THR RWY 29.
1.4Authorized signalmen control the movement and assign parking positions to aircraft on the apron. Aircraft crews are obliged to stay by aircraft until arrival of an aerodrome operator's car. Movement on apron without the aerodrome operator's approval is prohibited.
1.5Taxi clearance granted by the aerodrome control tower (TWR) does not release the pilot-in-command from the duty to follow the instructions of the signalman. If the pilot begins to taxi or continues taxiing without the assistance of a signalman, he shall assume full responsibility for avoiding collision with other aircraft, persons or objects on the apron.
1.6In case of aircraft instructed by TWR to taxi to holding point RWY 29 via TWY A is not able to depart from RWY 29 from intersection A, pilot-in-command shall advise that to TWR prior commencing taxi.
1.7Complete handling services of flights are provided by company Airport Karlovy Vary.
1.8Aircraft operators are obliged to present a written request for a change in AD operational hours for series of flights (regularly repeated flights), which will be performed out of published aerodrome operational hours, 30 days in advance, not later than the 15th day of the month preceding the month when the first flight of the series is executed. For single flights 24 hours in advance.
1.9The following procedure is required for day and night training VFR flights out of published operational hours (with TWR service or Providing information to known traffic):
- A request for these flights shall be submitted in a writing to AD operator in working day at least 24 hours in advance.
- The request shall include:
- type of aircraft, registration mark, MTOW;
- operator specification for billing purposes;
- estimated time of the beginning and termination of training flights, if extension of AD operational hours is requested and if usage of lighting aids is requested.
- AD operator will inform the applicant in writing of the approval of the requested training with or without possible restrictions on the next day after submission of application till 1600 at the latest.
1.10Coordination of Local FLight Activity with ATS unit
1.10.1Local flight activity (LFA)
The term “local flight activity” (LFA) means a flight activity related to repetitive landings and take-offs, touch and go landings and low approaches (passes) over the RWY at the appropriate airport.
The coordination is executed by means of LARS (Local Activity Reservation System)
application, which is accessible from web environment via a web browser`s interface.
Each user has to be registered in the system (by using login name and password) common
for the application of Flight information services of the CR. Without signing in to
the system, it is not allowed to create or modify any reservation.
The application accessibility is also assured via selfbriefing workstation at LKKV.
1.10.2Pilots and aircraft operators
Pilots and aircraft operators intending to execute a LFA in CTR / TMA Karlovy Vary are obliged to submit their requirement by filling of the form on webpage http://lis.rlp.cz/lars together with the basic flight parameters (flight rules, type of flight, flight identification, contact to the pilot, requested LFA time period) and with the description of requested LFA.
For LFA to be performed, it is inevitable to obtain the confirmation in a form of a “LFA slot”, containing a time period, determined for the execution of the expected flight activity.
The LFA slot acquisition is compulsory for all pilots and aircraft operators intending to perform the activities characterized as repetitive:
- landings and take-offs (touch and go landings)
- low approaches over the RWY or
- instrument approaches at the LKKV irrespective of the flight rules and/or the type of flight.
LFA slot represents the time period of LFA execution exclusively. The time of entry to the CTR or TMA Karlovy Vary is considered the time of LFA beginning. The time of LFA termination is considered when the outbound flight is commenced towards the destination aerodrome or the time of landing at LKKV.
The reservation is not required for the single movements over the RWY not corresponding to the principle of LFA, i.e. e.g.:
- one aerodrome traffic circuit flight beginning and terminating at the appropriate airport,
- single touch and go at local airport from cross country flights where departure and/or arrival airport are different from the appropriate aerodrome or
- single instrument approach terminated with full stop landing or with low approach (pass) continuing to other destination than local airport.
Despite received and confirmed “LFA slot”, appropriate ATC unit at LKKV has the right to modify or even to cancel confirmed reservation due to operational reasons. Pilot is notified of this fact via email or SMS on the registered phone number.
1.10.3Contingency procedures
In case of LARS outage or failure, LFA in TMA / CTR Karlovy Vary shall be coordinated
with ATC unit - for VFR flights by phone +420 353 239 716TWR Karlovy Vary, for IFR flights by phone
+420 220 372 718ACC Praha, not less than 2 hours before LFA beginning.
1.11The acrobatic flights restriction
1.11.1Aerobatic flights over the aerodrome are allowed only in area east of THR RWY 30.
1.12Noise abatement procedures
1.12.1It is desirable that aircraft flying along the traffic circuit do not overfly the populated areas of villages Olšová Vrata, Kolová and Pila if practicable, and follow aerodrome traffic circuits according ATC instructions depicted on AD 2-LKKV-VFRC whenever the aircraft performance enables it.
1.12.2Restrictions of acrobatic flights over the aerodrome.
1.12.3It is permitted maximum 8 flights per day with duration of particular acrobatic flight maximum 20 minutes, on working days up to 1800 (1700) UTC, on Saturday up to 1400 (1300) UTC. An acrobatic operation is prohibited on Sunday.
1.12.4Visual departures to KILNU and ODPAL from RWY 29 of the aircraft category C are not allowed due to noise abatement over Spa Karlovy Vary.
1.13Flight procedures
1.13.1If the obstacle lights Vítkův vrch 2214 ft / 675 m AMSL is out of service, landing on RWY 11 in the night is prohibited.
1.13.2Pilots-in-command are requested to confirm ATIS information and read back its QNH when establish radio contact.
1.13.3The pilots are expected on arrivals to follow waypoint sequence shown on VFR Arrivals and Departures Chart at maximum altitude 3500 ft AMSL unless otherwise instructed by ATC. If no other ATC instructions are received prior passing respective holding point, commence holding:
- North of point ALFA
- South of point BRAVO
until further ATC instructions.
Note: depending on the traffic conditions, pilots can be instructed by ATC to proceed by the most direct route from an entry point to aerodrome traffic circuit to join at any position according the ATC instruction.
1.13.4After take-off, pilots shall proceed to exit points at maximum altitude 3500 ft AMSL by the most direct route unless otherwise instructed by ATC.
1.13.5Pilots of aircraft flying VFR at levels:
- up to and including 3500 ft AMSL, shall establish radio contact with VARY TWR 121,230 at least 3 minutes before entering CTR,
- above 3500 ft AMSL, shall establish radio contact with PRAHA RADAR 118,650 MHz at least 3 minutes before entering TMA,
select the code A2000 according to VFR-ENR 4.1, when equipped with operational SSR transponder and unless have been instructed to set a discrete code by an ATS unit, and pass the following information on:
- identification of the aircraft
- type of aircraft *
- aerodrome or place of departure *
- aerodrome of destination or area of activity in CTR (as appropriate) *
- present position and level of the flight
- estimated time of entry into CTR
- exit point from CTR (for transiting aircraft) *
- confirmation of ATIS information with read back its QNH
- request for ATC clearance
* Marked data are not handed over if FPL has been submitted.
The pilot notifies TWR, when the aircraft is not equipped with SSR transponder, or the transponder is U/S or is working on Mode A/C or Mode A only.
1.13.6Pilots of departing VFR aircraft shall select the code A2000 according to VFR-ENR 4.1, when the aircraft is equipped with serviceable SSR transponder, establish radio contact with VARY TWR 121,230 and pass the following information on:
- identification of the aircraft
- type of aircraft *
- stand number or place of parking position optionally other aerodrome or area in CTR
- aerodrome of destination or landing location *
- exit point from CTR or area of activity within CTR, required level (as appropriate),
- confirmation of ATIS information with read back of QNH
- request for ATC clearance
* Marked data are not handed over if FPL has been submitted.
The pilot notifies TWR, when the aircraft is not equipped with SSR transponder, or the transponder is U/S or is working on Mode A/C or Mode A only.
1.13.7When taxiing to RWY 12/30 pilot has to stop on marked holding positions and request clearance for crossing RWY 11/29.
1.13.8When taxiing from RWY 12/30 to the apron the pilot has to request clearance before crossing RWY 11/29.
1.13.9VFR entry and exit significant points to/from CTR Karlovy Vary are shown on VOC.
VFR entry/exit significant points to/from CTR and holding points: | |||
Designation | Location | Coordinates | |
NOVEMBER | Pond Velká Nejda | 50 16 54 N 012 56 19 E | entry/exit |
ECHO | Žlutice (reservoir dam) | 50 05 03 N 013 07 36 E | entry/exit |
SIERRA | Bečov | 50 05 02 N 012 50 24 E | entry/exit |
WHISKY | Loket | 50 11 22 N 012 45 29 E | entry/exit |
ALFA | Hotelu Hubertus parking lot | 50 14 16 N 012 55 40 E | holding |
BRAVO | Stanovice (north bank of the dam) | 50 10 15 N 012 53 30 E | holding |
1.13.10Crew of VFR flights are required to call VARY TWR 121,230 before enter CTR/TMA Karlovy Vary outside operational hours KARLOVY VARY ATS units to verify the activation of these areas.This is because there may be a change to aerodrome / ATS operational hours at a short notice when due to time constraints appropriate NOTAM could not be issued.
1.14Outside AD operational hours, only the traffic of aircraft operated by Aerobatics Flight Center Karlovy Vary is allowed following these conditions:
- FIRE CAT 2 is provided by Aerobatics Flight Center Karlovy Vary;
- Night flights, training flights to obtain pilot license, operation of 2 aircraft at the same time and flights requiring customs and immigration clearance are not allowed.
Responsible person: Jiří Duras, +420 603 871 189
2Additional information
3Charges for aerodromes
3.1Landing charges
Category 1: Aircraft up to 2t MTOW including (flat rate) | 600,00 |
Category 2: Aircraft over 2t MTOW according to formula. Price in CZK =
Training flights: 26,6% from applicable landing charge. See note 1.
3.2Parking charges
Apron per hour and tonne of MTOW in time: 0400 - 1800 (0300 - 1700) | 14,00 |
Apron per hour and tonne of MTOW in time: 1800 - 0400 (1700 - 0300) | 7,00 |
3.3Charges for passenger service
Domestic flights - per passenger | 350,00 |
International flights - per passenger | 350,00 |
Note 2: The aerodrome operator provides other conditions and possibility of application of discounted landing charges rates for training flights.
Note 2 *: Besides of published charges an extra charge is accounted for covering of
extra operational costs for each initiated hour of operation of the aerodrome outside
published operational hours. The charge is accounted from time stated in order.
a) for flights of aircraft requiring fire-fighting category 4: 5 000,00
b) for flights of aircraft requiring fire-fighting category 5-7: 7 500,00
* It is not applied to scheduled flights after agreement with the aerodrome operator.