LKLT - Letňany

7 km NE Praha - centrum
ELEV: 912 ft / 278 m
Circuit: 1900 ft / 580 m AMSL

MON-SUN: 0700 - 1700 UTC
02 OCT - 30 APR
MON-SUN: 0800 - 1600 UTC
otherwise O/R HO
For further information see "Additional information."

Customs and immigration clearance:
O/R (in writing, e-mail, fax),
MON - FRI 24 HR in advance, otherwise 48 HR in advance. Application form available
at the aerodrome operator or on the aerodrome website
The thresholds of RWYs 05L and 05R are shifted behind the road. The road must be overflown during take-off and landing in minimum altitude 15 m from the lowest part of aeroplane or towed object.
Parallel operation on RWY 05L/23R or RWY 05R/23L is strictly forbidden.
Crossing of RWY 06/24 LKKB axis subject to MTWR Kbely approval.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
05L | 046° | 860 x 23 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 1000 | 1030 | 1030 | 860 |
23R | 226° | 860 x 23 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 860 | 1000 | 1000 | 860 |
05R | 051° | 800 x 25 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 920 | 950 | 920 | 800 |
23L | 231° | 800 x 25 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 800 | 920 | 800 | 800 |

Letiště Praha Letňany, s.r.o.
Hůlkova 1075/35, 197 00 Praha 9,
Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit - +420 286 581 340
Robert Skribuckij (director of the aerodrome) - skribuckij@letnany-airport.cz
Head of Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit - +420 725 912 020,
Handling - +420 702 185 744

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1.1All LKLT users are required to familiarize themselves with the LKLT Airport Rules, which are available at www.letnany-airport.cz in its current form.
1.1.2 Aerodrome LKLT is located in MCTR Kbely and a flight along traffic circuit goes through CTR Ruzyně.
1.1.3TRA GA TRAPRLT1 (Letňany 1N), TRAKBLT1 (Letňany 1S) and TRAKBLT1E (Letňany 1E) areas are established, see AIP CR, ENR 5.5.5. Information on the activation and extent of use of TRA GA can be obtained by telephone or on the operating frequency APP Praha, TWR Ruzyně, MAPP/MTWR Kbely, Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit or FIC Praha.
1.1.4When TRA GA area is activated, Class G airspace conditions and rules apply. TRA GA areas are also radio mandatory zones (RMZ).
1.1.5Outside operating hours of Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit and or during deactivation of the TRA GA areas, procedures for VFR flights to/from Kbely Airport shall apply, with a permanent two-way radio contact with MTWR Kbely. The arrival/departure route is subject to ATS Kbely clearance. See AIP CR, Vol. II, AD 2, Kbely airport, procedures for VFR flights.
1.1.6In operational hours of Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit and while TRA GA Letňany 1N and Letňany 1S areas are activated, the flights along traffic circuitWhen leaving the circuit, it is possible to continue via TRAGA Letňany 1E area outside of MCTR Kbely on Letňany radio frequency, or via exit points of MCTR Kbely, always in compliance with instructions of Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit and MTWR Kbely.
1.1.7Pilots are requested to strictly maintain the trajectory of flight along traffic circuit and to strictly maintain maximum given altitude - see VFR-AD-LKLT-VOC.
1.1.8The thresholds of RWYs 05L and 05R are shifted behind the road. The road must be overflown during take-off and landing in minimum altitude 15 m from the lowest part of aeroplane or towed object.
1.1.9Pilots flying according to FPL are obliged to request activation / termination of FPL by Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit or outside operational hours of Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit by MTWR Kbely.
1.1.10The aerodrome operator guarantees AD fire and rescue category 2B. The operator does not guarantee fire category 3 or higher, not even on request.
1.1.11The aerodrome operator does not provide security checks of passengers, baggage or aircraft.
1.2Noise abatement procedures
1.2.1Flights over villages Čakovice, Kbely, Miškovice, Vinoř, Satalice, Horní Počernice and housing estate Prosek, by powered aeroplanes, helicopters and sport flying equipment are not allowed, if it is not necessary by operational and safety reasons.
1.2.2Pilots-in-command are obliged to initiate take-off from the threshold of relevant RWY.
1.2.3After take-off climb with maximum gradient while maintaining safety of the flight.
1.2.4Power engine tests which are not referred to the procedure of appropriate departure are from 1700 to 0800 local time forbidden.
1.3Flight procedures
1.3.1General in the active areas of TRA GA Letňany 1N, Letňany 1S and Letňany 1E are possible only with two-way radio contact on channel 120,335 Letňany RADIO, outside operational hours of Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit in MCTR Kbely on frequency channel MTWR Kbely 120,880 (backup 134,730). entry and exit points, which are identical with VFR points to/from MCTR Kbely, are set for arrivals and departures to/from TRA GA via MCTR Kbely:
VFR entry and exit points to/from MCTR Kbely | ||
Designation | Location (object) | Coordinates |
MIKE | NE of Stará Boleslav (railway crossing highway) | 50 12 27 N 014 41 47 E |
LIMA | S of Lysa nad Labem (river road bridge) | 50 10 38 N 014 51 19 E |
UNIFORM | E of Uvaly (lonely petrol station) | 50 04 18 N 014 46 24 E |
ROMEO | SW of Říčany (flyover highways crossing) | 49 58 51 N 014 36 22 E | of aircraft entering to MCTR Kbely are obliged to maintain height 1000 ft/300 m AGL, but maximum altitude 2000 ft AMSL, unless otherwise stated by ATS Kbely. of direct flights via points LIMA, UNIFORM, ROMEO is subject to a clearance issued by MTWR Kbely. are requested to adhere to noise abatement procedures. of RWY 06/24 LKKB axis subject to MTWR Kbely approval. case an aircraft is not equipped with 8.33 KHz channel spacing aircraft radio, the crew of such aircraft shall not enter TRA GA Letňany 1N, Letňany 1S and Letňany 1E when activated.
1.3.2Arrivals arrivals to the TRA GA Letňany 1N and Letňany 1S area are allowed only through TRAGA Letňany 1E area (suggested entry point is Kostelec n. Labem - sluice on the Labe river, 50 13 24 N 014 35 46 E - maximum altitude 2000 ft AMSL) or via coordination points MIKE, LIMA, UNIFORM, ROMEO, which are published in AIP CR. To enter the Kbely MCTR, crews follow the information given in AIP. Aircraft arrivals follow MAPP/MTWR Kbely instructions. SSR transponder working in modes A/C is mandatory in MCTR Kbely. Be aware that instrument approach glide path for RWY 28 LKVO is above TRA GA Letňany 1E area at altitude 2500 ft AMSL. and landing of helicopters must be carried out to RWY in use. Air taxiing and parking on highlighted places in accordance with Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit instructions.
1.3.3Departures without the need for prior coordination with MAPP/MTWR Kbely are only cleared via TRA GA Letňany 1E area. Suggested exit point is Kostelec n. Labem (sluice on the Labe river, 50 13 24 N 014 35 46 E), maximum altitude 2000 ft AMSL. When flying via MCTR Kbaley, after reaching north edge of Vinoř village switch to the frequency channel MTWR Kbely (120,880, 134,730 (reserve)) and follow the instructions to proceed to the required coordination point. Departures to LIMA, UNIFORM, and ROMEO coordination points directly after take-off or from any suitable position on the traffic circuit are possible after coordination Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit with MAPP/MTWR Kbely. Without prior coordination, departures will be subject to 3 minute intervals. The maximum flight altitude is 2000 ft AMSL, unless otherwise instructed by MAPP/MTWR Kbely and TWR LKVO. Be aware that instrument approach glide path for RWY 28 LKVO is above TRA GA Letňany 1E area at altitude 2500 ft AMSL. from TRA GA may be further restricted or prohibited in case of training flights, LKKB VIP procedures or emergency operations. of helicopters must be carried out from RWY in use. Air taxiing in accordance with the Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit instructions. are obliged to report engine startup prior to commencement of taxiing to ensure safety in the event of parachute jumping activity.
1.3.4Flights outside operating hours of Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit and after the published operational hours of Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit, departures and arrivals are allowed only after submitted and then approved (by the AD operator) request sent to the e-mail address info@letnany-airport.cz 12 hours in advance. The request for arrival and departure outside of the operational hours shall be submitted within the operational hours. Landing (except emergency and safety landings) without appropriate clearance outside of the operational hours is considered as a violation of the Airport rules, which is available on http://www.letnany-airport.cz. The aerodrome area is closed outside the operational hours for non-contractual users. case of arrival to RWY 05L/R through MIKE, report Ruzyně CTR violation caused by the flight along the published traffic circuit to MTWR Kbely in advance to ensure timely coordination between APP Praha and MTWR Kbely. MTWR Kbely otherwise issues clearance only for flight in MCTR Kbely.
1.4Traffic circuits
1.4.1Traffic circuit altitude is at maximum 1900 ft/580 m AMSL.
1.4.2Traffic circuit is carried out to the right for RWY 23L and 23R or to the left for RWY 05L and 05R. Both circuits are carried out north of the runway.
1.4.3The traffic circuits south of the aerodrome are strictly prohibited due to conflicting traffic with Kbely airport operations.
1.4.4Outside Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit operating hours, traffic circuit flights are prohibited, except when conditions in apply.
1.5Emergency procedures
1.5.1If the crew in TRA GA Letňany 1N, Letňany 1S and Letňany 1E activated areas does not establish a radio connection with Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit, the crew will try to establish a radio connection with MTWR Kbely, which notifies the Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit about non-existing radio connection of the flight crew with the Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit.
1.5.2In the event of radio communication failure, pilot-in-command shall immediately land at LKLT carrying out traffic circuit and if possible, using radio connection with MTWR Kbely. After landing, the pilot-in-command shall immediately inform Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit.
2Additional information
2.1Providing information to known traffic is provided also in English.
2.2Pilot-in-command of taxiing aircraft are responsible for maintaining safe distance between aircraft. If pilot-in-command is not sure, pushing or pulling of aircraft to safe place for preparation to departure is carried out.
2.3RWY 05L and RWY 23R are designated primarily for aircraft with retractable gear.
2.4The area of the AD is fully fenced and is intended for long-term parking of aircraft.
2.5AD and fueling charges are paid in cash or by cashless payment with card at Terminal 1 next to Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit.
2.6Pilots-in-command are requested to adhere to published procedures, particularly noise abatement procedures, flights outside build-up areas of mentioned villages, determined shape of traffic circuit and its altitude, the boundaries of controlled airspaces which are adjacent to TRA GA areas i.e. CTR Ruzyne, MCTR Kbely.
2.7Parallel operation on RWY 05L/23R or RWY 05R/23L is strictly forbidden.
2.8In particular months, the end of the operating period is limited by civil twilight if it occurs earlier than the published aerodrome operating hours. Furthermore, the aerodrome operating hours may be changed by NOTAM.
2.9During rainy and winter months, the crews are recommended to pay attention to NOTAM or to call Providing information to known traffic Letňany unit within the operating hours to see the RWY condition.
2.10ATZ Letňany area is active only during the deactivation of MCTR Kbely. Information about activation of ATZ (and deactivation of MCTR LKKB) is published in the form of VFR SUP with specific flight procedures.
3Charges for aerodromes
3.1Landing charges
Ultralight aircraft | 380,00 |
Aircraft up to 2 t | 500,00 |
Per each additional initiated tonne MTOW | 350,00 |
Extension of AD operating time by 30 minutes | 800,00 |
3.2Parking charges
Per day | 400,00 |
First three hours of parking free of charge.
3.3Charges for passenger service
Passenger | 180,00 |
Other charges, current pricelist of aviation gasoline and other information available at http://www.letnany-airport.cz.