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LKLN - Plzeň/Líně

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LKLN - Plzeň/Líně

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome / Private international aerodrome
ProvozVFR day, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 49° 40' 31" N, 13° 16' 28" E
11 km SW centre of Plzeň
ELEV: 1188 ft / 362 m
Circuit: 2200 ft / 670 m AMSL
Provozní dobaMON - SUN, HOL
17 APR - 28 AUG 06:00 - 18:00 UTC
29 AUG - 16 APR 06:00 UTC (07:00 UTC - SS)
PalivoAVGAS 100LL - in operational hours
Ubytování6 persons on AD, hotels in Pilsen
RestauraceRefreshment at AD
Dopravataxi, bus - 1 km bus stop Nová Ves, 2 km Zbůch
Líně RADIO129,005
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: O/R 48 HR in advance. Visas are not granted.

Noise abatement procedures

  • Avoid overflying of villages Dobřany, Vodní Újezd, Chotěšov, Zbůch, Líně, Sulkov and Lhota at altitude below 2200 ft / 670 m AMSL.
  • Training flights are to be carried out outside densely lived-up areas only.

RWY shall be vacated via TWY A, B, C, F to stands on APN E, M and F.

    Part of TWY F a T after red horizontal marking can be used only for towing of aircraft without application of of its propulsion.

      TWY D, E and part of TWY T, behind the crossing with TWY C, are permanently closed for air traffic.

        RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
        06 056° 1450 x 60 PCN 26 R/C/W/T 1450 1690 1450 1450
        24 236° 1450 x 60 PCN 26 R/C/W/T 1450 1690 1450 1450

        PlaneStation Pilsen, s.r.o.
        letiště Líně, 330 21 Líně

        Ing. Petr Kutný (executive officer) - telephone +420 377 911 802, telephone +420 723 363 126,  petr.kutny@palid.cz

        Michal Budějovský (air traffic office) - telephone +420 607 696 638,  aro@pspil.cz

        Providing information to known traffic - telephone +420 377 911 812, telephone +420 733 121 167,  twr@pspil.cz

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        1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

        1.1Snow clearance of manoeuvring areas in limited extent. In winter season pilots of aircraft are recommended to verify current condition of manoeuvring areas before flight by phone.

        1.2Application for customs and immigration clearance for flights crossing the outer border of the Schengen area or EU shall be submitted 48 HR before departure.

        The essentials of the application for customs and immigration clearance:

        1.3The traffic circuits:

        RWY 06, RWY 24 - left hand

        1.3.1The traffic circuit altitude is 2200 ft / 670 m AMSL.

        1.4Noise abatement procedures

        1.4.1Avoid overflying of villages Dobřany, Vodní Újezd, Chotěšov, Zbůch, Líně, Sulkov and Lhota at altitude below 2200 ft / 670 m AMSL.

        1.4.2Training flights are to be carried out outside densely lived-up areas only.


        1.5.1RWY shall be vacated via TWY A, B, C, F to stands on APN E, M and F.

        1.5.2Part of TWY F a T after red horizontal marking can be used only for towing of aircraft without application of of its propulsion.

        1.5.3TWY D, E and part of TWY T, behind the crossing with TWY C, are permanently closed for air traffic.

        1.5.4Taxiing is allowed along the paved surfaces only.

        2Additional information

        2.1Payment of landing charges

        2.1.1Landing charges are paid in the air traffic office or at the unit Providing information to known traffic in building of aerodrome control tower.

        2.2Threshold coordinates of RWY 24/06

        THR RWY coordinates
        06 49 40 18,46 N 013 15 57,36 E
        24 49 40 43,18 N 013 16 58,93 E

        2.3Planning of flights to/from LKLN

        In case of combined VFR/IFR or IFR/VFR flights use in flight plans some of following routes.

        2.3.1Flight plans for combined IFR/VFR flights to LKLN:

        1. ... ODOMO Z35 LOMKI VFR DCT
        2. ... AGNAV P733 LOMKI VFR DCT
        3. ... LALIN Z39 IPDUL VFR DCT
        4. ... MAREM DCT LOMKI VFR DCT
        5. ... GOLOP DCT DOBEN VFR DCT

        2.3.2Flight plans for combined VFR/IFR from LKLN:

        1. VFR DCT LOMKI/NxxxxA(F)xxx IFR P733 EROKA ...
        2. VFR DCT PEMEL/NxxxxA(F)xxx IFR P31 RUDAP ...
        3. VFR DCT BALTU/NxxxxA(F)xxx IFR L984 OKG ...
        4. VFR DCT BEKTO/NxxxxA(F)xxx IFR L132 SUPIL ...
        5. VFR DCT VOZ/NxxxxA(F)xxx IFR T709 BODAL ...

        2.3.3Aircraft can descend following one of the above mentioned routes up to MRVA see AIP CR, ENR 6-9.

        2.4Rescue and fire fighting service at aerodrome

        2.4.1Category 2. Category 3-5 on request MIN 24 HR in advance. Category 3 and more is extra charged.

        2.5Providing information to known traffic in Czech and English language.

        2.6Do not enter movement areas without a warning vest, harness or high visibility clothing or fluorescent material.

        3Charges for aerodromes

        All mentioned rates include VAT 21%.

        3.1Landing charges

        Ultralight aircraft 120,00
        Aircraft up to MTOW 1 t (including) 170,00
        Aircraft up to MTOW 2 t (including) 290,00
        Aircraft over MTOW 2 t - per each initiated tonne of MTOW 340,00

        3.2Parking charges

        Parking area - aircraft up to MTOW 2 t (per initiated day) 260,00
        Parking area - aircraft over MTOW 2 t per day and per each initiated tonne 220,00
        Hangar - per each initiated tonne and each initiated day 440,00

        Parking area - first two hours free of charge.

        3.3Charges for passenger service

        Custom and immigration clearance of passengers for flights outside EU and Schengen area (per passenger) 300,00
        Security check for crew, passengers and baggage (physical check) for flights outside EU and Schengen area (per person) 480,00


        Extension of aerodrome operational hours by 30 min (O/R 24 hours in advance) 1200,00
        Extension of aerodrome operational hours by 1 hour (O/R 24 hours in advance) 1950,00
        Provision of firefighting category 3 or higher O/R 24 hours in advance NIL
        - For activation and first hour 9680,00
        - Per each additional initiated hour 9075,00
        Handling vehicle usage (O/R) 300,00
        Cargo manipulation up to 100 kg 200,00
        Cargo manipulation over 100 kg (per each initiated 100 kg) 182,00
        Parachute jump (per person and jump) 50,00
        Unauthorised use of the airport outside operating hours 6050,00