LKOPAV - Opava

3.5 km E Opava
ELEV: 872 ft / 266 m

In case of N wind, risk of turbulence behind the hangar. The field is situated under TMA III Ostrava. Do not overfly villages Velké Hoštice and Kravaře in a height lower than 1000 ft / 300 m AGL.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions |
10 | 100° | 400 x 25 |
28 | 280° | 400 x 25 |

Ing. Josef Lissek
Mírová 168, 747 31 Velké Hoštice,
+420 776 262 808,
Zdeněk Hnátek (deputy of the operator) - +420 602 682 612,

2Additional information
3Charges for aerodromes
3Local traffic regulations and restrictions
3.1In case of N wind, risk of turbulence behind the hangar. The field is situated under TMA III Ostrava. Do not overfly villages Velké Hoštice and Kravaře in a height lower than 1000 ft / 300 m AGL.