7.Operational frequencies
Aerodrome | ICAO code | FREQ | Call sign | Type | Operational hours | Remarks |
Benešov | LKBE | 118,005 | Bene RADIO | RADIO | ||
Bohuňovice | LKBO | 118,280 | Bohuňovice RADIO | RADIO | ||
BRNO/Tuřany | LKTB | 131,105 | Tuřany ATIS | ATIS | H 24 | EN |
119,605 | Tuřany VĚŽ/TOWER | TWR | H 24 | |||
127,3501 | PRAHA RADAR | APP | H 24 | SECTOR/TMA BRNO | ||
124,0501,2 | PRAHA RADAR | APP | HO | |||
125,430 | Tuřany GROUND | TWR | HO | Check ATIS for FREQ in use. | ||
Broumov | LKBR | 123,490 | Broumov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Břeclav | LKBA | 119,655 | Břeclav RADIO | RADIO | ||
Bubovice | LKBU | 134,305 | Bubovice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Čáslav | LKCV | 134,205 | Čáslav VĚŽ/TOWER | MTWR | H 24 | |
129,4052 | Čáslav VĚŽ/TOWER | MTWR | H 24 | |||
130,280 | Čáslav RADAR | MAPP | H 24 | |||
Česká Lípa | LKCE | 122,140 | Lípa RADIO | RADIO | ||
České Budějovice | LKCS | 135,930 | Budějovice INFORMATION | AFIS | ||
Dvůr Králové | LKDK | 119,610 | Dvůr RADIO | RADIO | ||
Erpužice | LKER | 123,490 | Erpužice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Frýdlant | LKFR | 123,490 | Frýdlant RADIO | RADIO | ||
Havlíčkův Brod | LKHB | 128,905 | Brod RADIO | RADIO | ||
Hodkovice | LKHD | 120,905 | Hodkovice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Hořice | LKHC | 120,315 | Hořice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Hořovice | LKHV | 135,580 | Hořovice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Hosín | LKHS | 130,205 | Hosín RADIO | RADIO | ||
Hradec Králové | LKHK | 122,005 | Kral RADIO | RADIO | ||
Hranice | LKHN | 123,510 | Hranice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Cheb | LKCB | 120,610 | Cheb RADIO | RADIO | ||
Chomutov | LKCH | 123,605 | Chomutov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Chotěboř | LKCT | 120,110 | Chotěboř RADIO | RADIO | ||
Chrudim | LKCR | 122,805 | Chrudim RADIO | RADIO | ||
Jaroměř | LKJA | 119,105 | Jaroměř RADIO | RADIO | ||
Jičín | LKJC | 118,080 | Jičín RADIO | RADIO | ||
Jihlava | LKJI | 123,490 | Jihlava RADIO | RADIO | ||
Jindřichův Hradec | LKJH | 123,605 | Hradec RADIO | RADIO | ||
Karlovy Vary | LKKV | 127,640 | Karlovy Vary ATIS | ATIS | H 24 | EN |
121,230 | Vary VĚŽ/TOWER | TWR | As AD administration | |||
124,0501,2 | PRAHA RADAR | APP | HO | |||
Kbely | LKKB | 120,880 | Kbely Věž/TOWER | MTWR | H 24 | |
134,7302 | Kbely Věž/TOWER | MTWR | H 24 | |||
124,680 | Kbely RADAR | MAPP | H 24 | |||
Kladno | LKKL | 123,480 | Kladno RADIO | RADIO | ||
Klatovy | LKKT | 122,210 | Klatovy RADIO | RADIO | ||
Kolín | LKKO | 129,155 | Kolín RADIO | RADIO | ||
Krnov | LKKR | 122,610 | Krnov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Kroměříž | LKKM | 122,205 | Kroměříž RADIO | RADIO | ||
Křižanov | LKKA | 133,155 | Křižanov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Kunovice | LKKU | 120,105 | Kunovice INFORMATION | AFIS | ||
120,105 | Kunovice VĚŽ/TOWER | TWR | MON-FRI (outside HOL) 0700-1500 (0600-1400) |
Kyjov | LKKY | 130,610 | Kyjov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Letkov | LKPL | 130,610 | Letkov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Letňany | LKLT | 120,335 | Letňany RADIO | RADIO | ||
Liberec | LKLB | 122,605 | Liberec RADIO | RADIO | ||
Luhačovice | LKLU | 125,285 | Luhačovice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Mariánské Lázně | LKMR | 120,900 | Mariánské Lázně RADIO | RADIO | ||
Medlánky | LKCM | 122,405 | Medlánky RADIO | RADIO | ||
Mikulovice | LKMI | 123,510 | Jeseník RADIO | RADIO | ||
Mladá Boleslav | LKMB | 123,610 | Boleslav RADIO | RADIO | ||
Mnichovo Hradiště | LKMH | 120,405 | Hradiště RADIO | RADIO | ||
Moravská Třebová | LKMK | 130,540 | Třebová RADIO | RADIO | ||
Most | LKMO | 118,760 | Most RADIO | RADIO | ||
Náměšť | LKNA | 126,505 | Náměšť VĚŽ/TOWER | MTWR | H 24 | |
121,1802 | Náměšť VĚŽ/TOWER | MTWR | H 24 | |||
118,155 | Náměšť RADAR | MAPP | H 24 | |||
Nové Město | LKNM | 123,405 | Město RADIO | RADIO | ||
Olomouc | LKOL | 118,005 | Olomouc RADIO | RADIO | ||
OSTRAVA/Mošnov | LKMT | 118,055 | Mošnov ATIS | ATIS | H 24 | EN |
120,805 | Mošnov VĚŽ/TOWER | TWR | H 24 | |||
118,7001,2 | Mošnov VĚŽ/TOWER | TWR | HO | |||
128,5251 | Mošnov DELIVERY | TWR | HX | Activation in ATIS. | ||
119,3751 | PRAHA RADAR | APP | H 24 | SECTOR/TMA OSTRAVA | ||
124,0501,2 | PRAHA RADAR | APP | HO | SECTOR / TMA OSTRAVA | ||
Panenský Týnec | LKPC | 118,580 | Týnec RADIO | RADIO | ||
Pardubice | LKPD | 120,155 | Pardubice VĚŽ/TOWER | MTWR | H 24 | |
120,2052 | Pardubice VĚŽ/TOWER | MTWR | H 24 | |||
128,365 | Pardubice RADAR | MAPP | H 24 | |||
296,825 | Pardubice PŘESNÝ/PRECISION | PAR | H 24 | |||
123,3002 | Pardubice PŘESNÝ/PRECISION | PAR | O/R | |||
Plasy | LKPS | 123,590 | Plasy RADIO | RADIO | ||
Plzeň/Líně | LKLN | 129,005 | Líně RADIO | RADIO | ||
Podhořany | LKPN | 123,590 | Podhořany RADIO | RADIO | ||
Polička | LKPA | 122,590 | Polička RADIO | RADIO | ||
PRAHA/Ruzyně | LKPR | 122,160 | Ruzyně ATIS | ATIS | H 24 | EN only |
118,310 | Ruzyně RADAR/INFORMATION | APP | 0600-2000 (0500-1900) | Outside hours of operation on FREQ 127,580. | ||
119,010 | Ruzyně RADAR/APPROACH | APP | ||||
134,560 | Ruzyně TOWER | TWR | H 24 | EN only | ||
121,910 | Ruzyně GROUND | TWR | 0530-2100 (0430-2000) | EN only Outside hours of operation: Ruzyne TOWER 134,560 | ||
120,060 | Ruzyně DELIVERY | TWR | 0600-2100 (0500-2000) | EN only Outside hours of operation: Ruzyne TOWER 134,560 2100-0530 (2000-0430) Ruzyne GROUND 121,910 0530-0600 (0400-0500) | ||
120,530 | Praha RADAR/APPROACH | APP | H 24 | |||
127,580 | Praha RADAR/APPROACH | APP | H 24 | |||
118,1102 | TWR | HX | ||||
136,0802 | APP | HX | ||||
PRAHA/Vodochody | LKVO | 123,030 | Vodochody RADIM | RADIM | H 24 | |
133,080 | Vodochody VĚŽ/TOWER | TWR | HX | |||
127,480 | Vodochody RADAR | APP | HX | |||
Prostějov | LKPJ | 126,905 | Prostějov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Přerov | LKPO | 127,780 | PŘEROV RADIO | RADIO | ||
Příbram | LKPM | 118,755 | Příbram RADIO | RADIO | ||
Přibyslav | LKPI | 125,610 | Přibyslav RADIO | RADIO | ||
Rakovník | LKRK | 123,510 | Rakovník RADIO | RADIO | ||
Raná | LKRA | 126,855 | Raná RADIO | RADIO | ||
Rokycany | LKRY | 119,660 | Rokycany RADIO | RADIO | ||
Roudnice | LKRO | 122,205 | Roudnice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Sazená | LKSZ | 119,640 | Sazená RADIO | RADIO | ||
Skuteč | LKSK | 123,510 | Skuteč RADIO | RADIO | ||
Slaný | LKSN | 122,405 | Slaný RADIO | RADIO | ||
Soběslav | LKSO | 122,190 | Soběslav RADIO | RADIO | ||
Staňkov | LKSA | 123,610 | Staňkov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Stichovice | LKSB | 120,680 | Stichovice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Strakonice | LKST | 118,760 | Strakonice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Strunkovice | LKSR | 123,505 | Strunkovice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Šumperk | LKSU | 122,605 | Šumperk RADIO | RADIO | ||
Tábor | LKTA | 122,610 | Tábor RADIO | RADIO | ||
Tachov | LKTD | 123,405 | Tachov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Točná | LKTC | 123,410 | Točná RADIO | RADIO | ||
Toužim | LKTO | 120,190 | Toužim RADIO | RADIO | ||
Ústí nad Labem | LKUL | 123,405 | Ústí nad Labem RADIO | RADIO | ||
Ústí nad Orlicí | LKUO | 122,210 | Ústí RADIO | RADIO | ||
Velké Poříčí | LKVP | 122,190 | Hronov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Vlašim | LKVL | 119,655 | Vlašim RADIO | RADIO | ||
Vrchlabí | LKVR | 125,330 | Vrchlabí RADIO | RADIO | ||
Vysoké Mýto | LKVM | 130,605 | Mýto RADIO | RADIO | ||
Vyškov | LKVY | 120,330 | Vyškov RADIO | RADIO | ||
Zábřeh | LKZA | 123,605 | Zábřeh RADIO | RADIO | ||
Zbraslavice | LKZB | 126,630 | Zbraslavice RADIO | RADIO | ||
Zlín | LKZL | 118,755 | Zlín RADIO | RADIO | ||
Znojmo | LKZN | 130,590 | Znojmo RADIO | RADIO | ||
Žamberk | LKZM | 122,610 | Žamberk RADIO | RADIO | ||
Žatec/Macerka | LKZD | 122,810 | Žatec RADIO | RADIO |
7.2SLZ fields
SLZ field | Designation | FREQ | Call sign |
Boleradice | LKBOLE | 125,830 | BOLERADICE RADIO |
Borek | LKBORE | 118,740 | BOREK RADIO |
Brťov | LKBRTO | 125,830 | BRŤOV RADIO |
Brusné | LKBRUS | 125,830 | BRUSNÉ RADIO |
Březí Falcon | LKBREZ | 124,515 | BŘEZÍ RADIO |
Budkovice | LKBUDK | 135,330 | BUDKOVICE RADIO |
Bynovec | LKBYNO | 120,330 | BYNOVEC RADIO |
Bystřice nad Pernštejnem | LKBYST | 125,830 | BYSTŘICE RADIO |
Částkovice | LKCAST | 120,410 | ČÁSTKOVICE RADIO |
Čebín | LKCEBI | 125,830 | ČEBÍN RADIO |
Český Dub | LKCDUB | 125,830 | DUB RADIO |
Dětřichov Oáza | LKDETR | 125,830 | DĚTŘICHOV RADIO |
Doudleby | LKDOUD | 125,830 | DOUDLEBY RADIO |
Druzcov u Lípy | LKDRUZ | 125,830 | DRUZCOV RADIO |
Dušníky | LKDUSN | 125,830 | DUŠNÍKY RADIO |
Hatě Excalibur | LKEXCA | 122,805 | HATĚ RADIO |
Hať u Hlučína | LKHATH | 125,830 | HAŤ RADIO |
Hláska | LKHLAS | 125,830 | HLÁSKA RADIO |
Horní Počaply | LKPOCA | 125,830 | POČAPLY RADIO |
Horní Přím | LKPRIM | 125,830 | PŘÍM RADIO |
Hradčany | LKHRAD | 134,815 | HRADČANY RADIO |
Charvátce | LKCHAR | 125,830 | CHARVÁTCE RADIO |
Choceň | LKCHOC | 120,685 | CHOCEŇ RADIO |
Chornice | LKCHOR | 125,830 | CHORNICE RADIO |
Choteč | LKCHOT | 125,830 | CHOTEČ RADIO |
Chotěšov | LKCHOV | 125,830 | CHOTĚŠOV RADIO |
Chrášťany | LKCHRA | 132,210 | CHOTO RADIO |
Chřibská | LKCHRI | 125,830 | CHŘIBSKÁ RADIO |
Chvojenec | LKCHVO | 125,830 | CHVOJENEC RADIO |
Kaplice | LKKAPL | 125,830 | KAPLICE RADIO |
Kejžlice | LKKEJZ | 134,815 | KEJŽLICE RADIO |
Kostomlaty | LKKOST | 125,830 | KOSTOMLATY RADIO |
Kotvrdovice | LKKOTV | 123,480 | KOTVRDOVICE RADIO |
Kozmice | LKKOZY | 125,830 | KOZMICE RADIO |
Kramolín | LKKRAM | 122,405 | KRAMOLÍN RADIO |
Krpy | LKKRPY | 125,830 | KRPY RADIO |
Křelovice - Jiřičky | LKJIRI | 125,830 | JIŘIČKY RADIO |
Kříženec | LKKRIZ | 122,790 | KŘÍŽENEC RADIO |
Kunětice | LKKUNE | 124,980 | KUNĚTICE RADIO |
Letovice | LKLETO | 118,740 | LETOVICE RADIO |
Libáň | LKLIBA | 125,830 | LIBÁŇ RÁDIO |
Lomnice nad Popelkou | LKLOMN | 118,255 | LOMNICE RADIO |
Loučeň | LKLOUC | 125,830 | LOUČEŇ RADIO |
Milovice | LKMILO | 130,540 | MILOVICE RADIO |
Miroslav | LKMIRO | 125,830 | MIROSLAV RADIO |
Miroslav AirCon | LKMIRA | 120,665 | AIRCON RADIO |
Místek | LKMIST | 122,590 | MÍSTEK RADIO |
Mladá | LKMLAD | 125,830 | MLADÁ RADIO |
Nabočany | LKNABO | 120,155 | PARDUBICE VĚŽ/TWR |
Náchod | LKNACH | 130,560 | NÁCHOD RADIO |
Napajedla | LKNAPA | 125,830 | NAPAJEDLA RADIO |
Neplachov | LKNEPL | 125,830 | NEPLACHOV RADIO |
Nová Včelnice | LKNVCE | 125,830 | VČELNICE RADIO |
Nučice | LKNUCI | 125,830 | NUČICE RADIO |
Nymburk | LKNYMB | 123,465 | NYMBURK RADIO |
Opava | LKOPAV | 125,830 | OPAVA RADIO |
Osičiny | LKOSIC | 125,830 | OSIČINY RADIO |
Ostrov | LKOSTR | 125,830 | OSTROV RADIO |
Písek - Krašovice | LKPISK | 119,415 | PÍSEK RADIO |
Polepy | LKPOLE | 125,830 | POLEPY RADIO |
Ramš | LKRAMS | 125,830 | RAMŠ RADIO |
Slušovice | LKSLUS | 120,005 | SLUŠOVICE RADIO |
Strážnice | LKSTRZ | 125,830 | STRÁŽNICE RADIO |
Štětí | LKSTET | 125,830 | ŠTĚTÍ RADIO |
Teplice | LKTEPL | 122,410 | TEPLICE RADIO |
Terezín | LKTERE | 125,830 | TEREZÍN RADIO |
Trutnov | LKTRUT | 125,830 | TRUTNOV RADIO |
Třebihošť | LKTRBH | 120,865 | TŘEBIHOŠŤ RADIO |
Velké Pavlovice | LKPAVL | 130,555 | PAVLOVICE RADIO |
Vrátkov | LKVRAT | 125,830 | VRÁTKOV RADIO |
Zlín - Štípa | LKSTIP | 122,805 | ŠTÍPA RADIO |
Type | Call sign | FREQ | Area of responsibility | Remarks |
FIC | Praha INFORMATION | 126,1001 | SECTOR ČECHY WEST | H 24 |
FIC | Praha INFORMATION | 136,1751 | SECTOR ČECHY EAST | H 24 |
FIC | Praha INFORMATION | 136,2751 | SECTOR MORAVA | H 24 |
VOLMET | Praha VOLMET | 125,5251 |
PRAHA/Ruzyně BRNO/Tuřany OSTRAVA/Mošnov Karlovy Vary Pardubice Kunovice České Budějovice WIEN DRESDEN MUNCHEN BRATISLAVA/Ivanka |
H 24 EN |
ACC | Praha RADAR | 120,2751 | SECTOR WL | H 24 |
ACC | Praha RADAR | 127,1251 | SECTOR SL | H 24 |
ACC | Praha RADAR | 127,8251 | SECTOR NL | H 24 |
7.4Group frequencies
FREQ | Purpose | Order of use | Height restriction | Horizontal restriction | Remarks |
130,340 | Gliders Air-to-air |
1. channel | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | Cross-country gliders flights aero tows outside ATZ |
130,485 | 2. channel | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | Cross-country gliders flights aero tows outside ATZ |
130,930 | 3. channel | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | Cross-country gliders flights aero tows outside ATZ |
133,140 | 4. channel | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | Cross-country gliders flights aero tows outside ATZ |
134,735 | 5. channel | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | Cross-country gliders flights aero tows outside ATZ |
135,410 | 6. channel | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | Cross-country gliders flights aero tows outside ATZ |
136,085 | 7. channel | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | Cross-country gliders flights aero tows outside ATZ |
123,065 | 8. channel | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | European Special Purpose Channel | |
126,135 | 9. channel | Up to FL 95 Up to FL 235 in areas TSA42 - TSA49 (SEP - MAR) |
FIR PRAHA Border areas in Poland |
During the winter season (SEP – MAR), this channel is primarily intended for long-wave flying | |
122,255 | Balloons and airships | Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | ||
121,005 | Powered aircraft Air-to-air |
Up to FL 95 | FIR PRAHA | ||
125,830 | Fields for sport flying equipment without assigned FREQ | Up to 450 m / 1500 ft AGL | FIR PRAHA | Call sign - name + RADIO e.g. OSTROV RADIO |
7.4.1Group frequency channels can be used only if the duty to maintain continuous two−way communication with the ATC units whenever required is simultaneously fulfilled.
7.4.2Due to the possible interference of airspace users abroad, frequency channels not internationally coordinated by the Ministry of Transport may not be used for radio communication under any circumstances.
7.4.3A group frequency channel for "aircraft-to-aircraft" radio communication can be used in the airspace of the Czech Republic only if the Czech Telecommunications Authority (ČTÚ) has issued a valid Individual authorization for the use of radio frequencies for the operation of the air station of the communicating aircraft or, in the case of foreign aircraft, an authorisation from the relevant foreign telecommunications authority.
7.4.4Radio communication on group channels must have an operational overlap (e.g. transmission of information about meteorological conditions), must be concise and short, and gaps between individual transmissions (sessions) must be sufficient so that in urgent cases it is possible to enter the conversation by keying. For communication on assigned group frequency channels, the radiocommunication procedures set out in Regulation L Phraseology (Radiotelephone Procedures and Aeronautical Phraseology and Terminology for the Provision of Air Traffic Services and the Conduct of Flights) must be followed. The group frequency channel in use must not be overwhelmed by any radio communication not directly related to flight operations.
7.4.5Group frequency channels allocated for aircraft-to-aircraft radio communication between gliders may only be used in the specified order of use. This means that the pilot first tunes the frequency channel with the serial number 1, if it is fully occupied, he tunes the following frequency channel according to the assigned order, up to the frequency channel with the sequence number 7. The order of the assigned frequency channels is binding and cannot be changed.
7.4.6Frequency channels with sequence number 8 and 9 are primarily intended for other purposes. Group channel with sequence number 8 is a newly coordinated channel for "aircraft-aircraft" communication for use in European countries, therefore its tuning order is not limited by the conditions set out in clause 7.4.5. It can be expected that this frequency channel will be used by foreign pilots communicating in a foreign language. The frequency channel with sequence number 9 is primarily intended for long wave flying (wave flying over the mountains in the area between the Krkonoše and Jeseníky mountains) in the period from September to March, therefore it cannot be used for glider radio communication for other purposes during this period. Outside of the specified period of September to March, this group channel can be used for normal A-A glider radio communication.
7.4.7Group frequency channels are not primarily intended for air sports competitions ("Competition") and aerial public performances. For the competition, its organizer is obliged to ensure the coordination of a sufficient number of separate frequency channels, which will be protected from interference from other traffic and at the same time will not cause interference to surrounding traffic. International coordination is carried out at the request of the organizer of the competition by the Department of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport. The contact e-mail is frequency@mdcr.cz. The request for coordination of a frequency channel must be delivered at least 90 days before the start of its expected use, in order to prevent a lack of free frequency channels and ensure problem-free coordination. Subsequently, the applicant is issued with a Certificate of Frequency Coordination. In the event that several competitions are held on the same date, each competition organizer must request the coordination of separate frequency channels individually.
7.4.8To ensure an adequate level of air traffic safety, it is based on the number of registered participants. For smaller regional competitions, the competition organizer is obliged to coordinate at least one separate channel for A-A radio communication for a maximum of 10 registered participants. For regional competitions of a larger scale (more than 35 participants) and nationwide competitions such as the championship of the Czech Republic, the competition organizer is obliged to coordinate at least one separate channel for A-A radio communication for a maximum of 8 registered participants + at least one back-up separate channel for A-G radio communication for the needs of the organizer of the competitions. For international competitions, the competition organizer is obliged to coordinate at least one separate channel for A-A radio communication for each team + at least two backup separate channels for A-G radio communication for the needs of the organizer of the competition.
7.4.9In order to use the frequency channel for "aircraft-to-ground" radio communication (radio communication type A-G), it is always necessary to apply to the Czech Telecommunications Office for the issuance of an Individual authorization for the use of radio frequencies. Issuance of an Individual Authorization is subject to the submission of a Certificate of Frequency Coordination from the Ministry of Transport.
7.5.1Uncontrolled low level traffic may register difficulties in establishing and maintaining radio communication with appropriate ATS units, caused by orographic specifics.
7.5.2DOC (Designated Operation Coverage) frequency can be used only within the Designated Operation Coverage (DOC). When a given frequency is used within the DOC, it should not be interfered and also the broadcast on a given frequency should not be the source of interference in other areas. Since the area where the CR is situated is intensely congested by frequencies, it is necessarily required to keep the defined DOC. the airspace and at the aerodromes where ATC is not provided the appropriate frequencies are used particularly within the ATZ (see paragraph 2.4.2 of part VFR-ENR-2). It is possible to use the appropriate frequency by default in a wider area, due to reasons stated in paragraph, but at the maximum of radius 10 NM from the ARP and vertically up to the hieght 4000 ft AMSL. In exceptional cases it is possible to use within the coordinated DOC a frequency in an aera at the maximum of radius 16 NM from the ARP and up to height 3000 ft AMSL. If the airspace of class C or D or a prohibited area impinges into the DOC thus designated vertically and horizontally, the boundary of the DOC is formed by boundaries of such airspaces.
Note: DOC is designated operation coverage defined for given service type in accordance with the aviation regulation L 10. Defined DOCs are stated in Doc. 7754 FASID (ICAO-EUR). DOC for other particular ATS airspaces (FIR, CTA, TMA, CTR) and for group frequencies is defined in AIP of the CR.
7.6All communication with the airports proceeds with 8,33 kHz channel spacing.
7.7Explanations of frequency labels
Unless otherwise stated, FREQ are in channel spacing 8,33 kHz.
1 Channel spacing 25 kHz
2 Reserve
Controlled aerodromes and ATS are highlighted
7.8Emergency FREQ 121,500 MHz is available at all ATS units.