Vybrat sekci

LKJA - Jaroměř

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LKJA - Jaroměř

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome
ProvozVFR day, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 50° 19' 53" N, 15° 57' 14" E
3,5 km SE Jaroměř
ELEV: 891 ft / 271 m
Circuit: 1870 ft / 570 m AMSL
Provozní doba15 APR - 15 OCT
SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1400

otherwise O/R
PalivoAVGAS 100 LL, BA 95 N
OlejTOTAL 100 D, TOTAL 100 Mineral, TOTAL 15W-50
HangárováníO/R, limited
ServisO/R, limited. A complete maintance for general aviation aeroplanes.
UbytováníO/R 30 beds, Jaroměř telephone +420 724 879 733
RestauraceAvailable telephone +420 774 481 964
Dopravabus, train, taxi
Jaroměř RADIO119,105
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL

RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
14R 142° 940 x 40 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 940 970 940 940
32L 322° 940 x 40 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 940 970 940 940
14L 142° 940 x 50 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 940 970 940 940
32R 322° 940 x 50 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 940 970 940 940

Aeroklub Jaroměř, z.s.
letiště Josefov, Novoměstská 361, 551 02 Jaroměř,  aeroklub@lkja.cz

Providing information to known traffic - telephone +420 601 328 303

Jan Červený - head of air traffic - telephone +420 737 442 024

Martin Rezek - chairman of aeroclub board - telephone +420 724 046 029

Petrol Station - telephone +420 603 806 800

Maintenance Mananger (Air-Mega) - telephone +420 724 072 463

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1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

1.1Snow removal is not provided in winter season.

1.2Runways are unserviceable after heavy raining.

1.3The traffic circuits - aeroplanes:

The traffic circuit altitude is 1900 ft / 580 m AMSL.

1.4Parallel operation (simultaneous take-off or landing) on RWY 14L/32R and 14R/32L is not possible.

1.5RWY 14R/32L is primarily used for powered traffic.

1.6Taxiing should only be carried out along the runway, or according to the instructions of Providing information to known traffic.

1.7Training flights are subject to clearance within the coordination agreement.

1.8The road in the CWY of RWY 14L, 14R shall be overflown during take-off and landing at least 15 m from the lowest part of the aircraft or towed object.

1.9Powered aircraft flights above the surrounding villages at altitudes below 2500 ft/ 760 m AMSL are prohibited due to noise abatement.

1.10The arrival of aircraft without two-way radio communication is possible only after prior agreement with the AD operator.

1.11Outside of operating hours, arrivals are only permitted after prior consultation with the AD operator (verification of the operability of movement areas).

1.12Providing information to known traffic only in Czech.

2Additional information

2.1Arrival/departure of an aircraft with total fuselage length greater than or equal to 9 m or with maximum fuselage width greater than 2 m is permitted only by prior agreement with the aerodrome operator (to arrange rescue and firefighting services) at least 48 hours in advance.

3Charges for aerodromes

3.1Landing charges

Per tonne of MTOW 100,00

3.2Parking charges

Hangar - per hour and tonne of MTOW 10,00
Stand - per hour and tonne of MTOW 3,00

3.3Charges for passenger service

Passenger 50,00