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LKCH - Chomutov

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LKCH - Chomutov

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome / Private international aerodrome
ProvozVFR day, parachute jumping operation
ARP: 50° 28' 08" N, 13° 28' 05" E
3,5 km E Chomutov
ELEV: 1132 ft / 345 m
Circuit: 2130 ft / 650 m AMSL
Provozní doba 15 APR - 15 OCT
SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1400
Otherwise O/R
Palivoaviation petrol AVGAS 100
OlejELF 100 AD
Hangárovánílimited, by agreement
UbytováníChomutov, Jirkov, O/R 6 persons in hostel
Dopravataxi, bus
Chomutov RADIO123,605
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: O/R

RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
04 038° 1200 x 40 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 1200 1260 1200 1200
22 218° 1200 x 40 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 1200 1260 1200 1200
14 139° 830 x 40 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 830 860 830 830
32 319° 830 x 40 5700 kg / 0.7 MPa 830 860 830 830

Aeroklub Chomutov, z.s.
Aeroklub Chomutov, Otvice č.p. 258, 431 11 Jirkov
(P.O.Box 26, 430 01 - náhradní adresa), telephone +420 704 556 333,  akcv@seznam.cz

Petr Švestka - telephone +420 604 898 493,  petr.svestka@centrum.cz

Ing.Ondřej Jungmann - telephone +420 777 631 077,  onje@seznam.cz, GER

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1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

1.1RWY O/R after prolonged rains.

1.2The traffic circuit altitude is 2130 ft /650 m AMSL.

1.3Outside operational hours arrivals and departures are only permitted by previous arrangement with the aerodrome operator (check of serviceability of movement areas).

2Additional information

2.1Arrival/departure of an aircraft with length greater than or equal to 9 m or with maximum fuselage width greater than 2 m is permitted only by prior agreement with the aerodrome operator (to arrange rescue and firefighting services).

2.2Flight outside the Schengen area

2.2.1Requests for customs and immigration clearance for flight crossing external border of the Schengen area or EU shall be submitted 48 HR before the flight.

2.2.2Requirements of the request for customs and immigration clearance:

2.3Providing information to known traffic only in Czech language.

3Charges for aerodromes

3.1Landing charges

Per each initiated tonne 50,00
Ultralight aircraft 40,00

3.2Parking charges

For every additional hour 10,00
Hangar (by agreement) 250,00

First three hours free of charge

3.3Charges for passenger service

Passenger 10,00
Per passenger on international flight - departure 200,00
For customs and immigration clearance on flight outside the EU and Schengen area (per passenger) 120,00

Handling: NIL