LKCHAR - Charvátce

8,5 km N Louny
ELEV: 922 ft / 281 m

The sport flying equipment field is situated on the NE periphery of ATZ of AD Raná. Telephone line (height 4 m) located 160 m away from THR RWY 07. Red marked fences located on the western RWY 07 clearway boundary.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions |
07 | 070° | 263 x 15 |
25 | 250° | 263 x 15 |
08 | 080° | 400 x 20 |
26 | 260° | 400 x 20 |

Ing. Pavel Tůma
Charvatce 47, 440 01 Libčeves,
+420 724 672 101,
Ing. Milan Marek - +420 728 361 820,

2Additional information
3Charges for aerodromes
3Local traffic regulations and restrictions
3.1The sport flying equipment field is situated on the NE periphery of ATZ of AD Raná. Telephone line (height 4 m) located 160 m away from THR RWY 07. Red marked fences located on the western RWY 07 clearway boundary.