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LKCS - České Budějovice

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LKCS - České Budějovice

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome / Private international aerodrome
ProvozVFR , IFR
ARP: 48° 56' 47" N, 14° 25' 39" E
6,5 km SW from centre of town České Budějovice, west from river Vltava
ELEV: 1417 ft / 432 m
Circuit: 2400 ft / 730 m AMSL
Provozní dobaMON-SUN 0700-1600 (0600-1500)
Otherwise O/R 24 HR in advance.
Operational hours extension of AD published by NOTAM.
PalivoAVGAS 100LL, JET-A1
Ubytováníhotels České Budějovice
Restauracevillages Planá, Litvínovice, České Budějovice
Dopravapublic transport, line no. 19
Budějovice INFORMATION135,930
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: O/R 24H in advance MON - FRI
O/R 48H in advance SAT, SUN, HOL

THR RWY 27 permanently displaced 300 m to the west.

    RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
    27 265° 2500 x 45 PCN 49/R/B/W/T 2500 2560 2500 2200
    09 085° 2500 x 45 PCN 49/R/B/W/T 2500 2560 2500 2500

    U Zimního stadionu 1952/2, 370 01 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 7, telephone +420 387 204 550, fax +420 387 201 014,  airport@airport-cb.cz,  http://www.airport-cb.cz

    AFIS unit - telephone +420 725 036 721, telephone +420 386 325 339,  twr@airport-cb.cz, AFTN: LKCSZTZX

    Handling - telephone +420 725 502 738,  handling@airport-cb.cz

    Ing. Gustav Sysel - telephone +420 702 121 528,  sysel@airport-cb.cz

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    1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

    1.1Snow clearance of movement areas is provided in limited range.

    1.2ATS airspace.

    Designation and lateral limits Vertical limits Airspace classification Note
    48 57 46,42N 014 15 34,47E -
    48 57 46,85N 014 21 21,49E -
    Circular arc with the radius 3 NM with center at 48 56 47,00N 014 25 39,00E 48 57 46,96N 014 29 56,45E -
    48 57 46,65N 014 38 47,40E -
    48 55 46,74N 014 38 47,18E -
    48 55 46,85N 014 35 42,13E -
    48 51 27,77N 014 30 50,55E -
    48 51 27,67N 014 20 26,51E -
    48 55 46,52N 014 15 35,77E -
    48 57 46,42N 014 15 34,47E -
    48 57 46,42N 014 15 34,47E
    3500 ft AMSL
    G RMZ within AFIS operational hours only.

    1.2.1Operation of aircraft without functional radio station for two-way air-ground communication within ATZ/RMZ during operational times of AFIS České Budějovice is not permitted.

    1.2.2AFIS is provided during published operational hours of the aerodrome. Outside the operational hours the aerodrome is closed and take-offs, landings, taxiing of aircraft are not allowed, except the operation has been requested 24 hours in advance and approved by the airport operator.

    1.3Operation of aircraft on moving areas

    1.3.1THR RWY 27 permanently displaced 300 m to the west.

    1.3.2Service of authorized signalmen is provided.


    TWY designation Surface Width [m] Strength
    A concrete 18 PCN 59/R/B/W/T
    B concrete 18 PCN 66/R/A/W/T
    C concrete 18 PCN 59/R/B/W/T
    D concrete 18 PCN 39/R/B/W/T
    T concrete 18 NIL
    T (from TWY D to APN MIDDLE) concrete 18 PCN 48/R/B/W/T
    T (in front of APN MIDDLE) concrete 18 PCN 76/R/A/W/T
    T (from APN MIDDLE to TWY A) concrete 18 PCN 48/R/B/W/T

    TWY A, TWY C, TWY D and TWY T only applicable for aircraft of code letter B.


    Designation Surface Dimensions [m] Strength
    APN EAST concrete 50 x 150 PCN 46/R/B/W/T
    APN MIDDLE concrete 77 x 178 PCN 66/R/A/W/T
    APN WEST concrete 30 x 150 PCN 39/R/C/W/T

    The apron APN M is primarily intended for aircraft handling and parking.

    1.3.5Intersection take-off.

    RWY Designator From TORA
    27 TWY B 1810 1870 1810
    TWY C 860 920 860 Day marking only
    09 TWY C 1660 1720 1660 Day marking only
    TWY B 710 770 710

    1.4Traffic circuits:

    1.4.1Circuit altitude is 2400 ft / 730 m AMSL.

    1.5Noise abatement procedures

    1.5.1Due to noise abatement procedures, it is desirable not to fly over the built-up parts of the villages of Planá, Litvínovice, Homole a Nové Homole.

    1.5.2Training flights along traffic circuit between 2100 (2000) UTC and 0500 (0400) UTC are not permitted.

    1.6Flight procedures

    1.6.1Due to an obstacle (forest) in the approach area of RWY 09, the descent angle of PAPI 09 is 4°. If PAPI 09 is inoperative, approach and landing on RWY 09 is not permitted to any aircraft.

    1.6.2Aircraft of the code C are permitted to use only TWY B and APN M.

    1.6.3All aircraft are permitted to use only TWY B and APN M during night time.

    1.6.4Heliport České Budějovice - Základna HEMS (LKCA) located 220 m south of the eastern edge of the RWY.

    1.6.5Pilots of VFR are obliged to establish continuous radio contact with AFIS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE. PIC is obliged to announce leaving the ATZ.

    2Additional information

    2.1AFIS provided in Czech and English language.

    2.2Provision of handling services

    2.2.1Handling unit telephone +420 725 502 738,  handling@airport-cb.cz.

    2.2.2Customs and immigration clearance O/R 24 HR in advance MON - FRI, O/R 48 HR in advance SAT, SUN, HOL.

    2.2.3Arrivals and departures outside the published operating hours of the aerodrome are only possible O/R 24 HR in advance. See www.airport-cb.cz for the form.

    2.3Rescue and Fire Fighting Services

    CAT 7.

    2.4Meteorological information provided:


    3Charges for aerodromes

    All mentioned rates are in CZK without value added tax.

    3.1Landing charges

    Each initiated tonne of MTOW 250,00

    3.2Parking charges

    Each initiated hour and tonne of MTOW 18,00

    First hour free of charge.

    3.3Charges for passenger service

    AD used by passengers for departure 350 CZK per person.


    Besides of published charges an extra charge is accounted for covering of extra operational costs for each initiated hour of operation of the aerodrome outside published operational hours.

    Extension of aeodrome operational hours - per each initiated hour: 21 000 CZK.

    It is not applied to commercial air transport flights after agreement with the aerodrome operator.