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LKMO - Most

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LKMO - Most

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome
ProvozVFR day/night, parachute jumping operation day/night
ARP: 50° 31' 30" N, 13° 40' 59" E
3,5 km NNE from the centre of the town Most
ELEV: 1086 ft / 331 m
Circuit: 2060 ft / 625 m AMSL
Provozní doba15 APR - 15 OCT
SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1500
otherwise O/R
Palivoaviation petrol 100 LL
HangárováníO/R, limited
ServisO/R, limited
Ubytování25 persons at the aerodrome, otherwise hotels in the town Most
Most RADIO118,760
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL

There is located a prohibited area LKP8 4 km NW from the aerodrome.

    RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
    02L 018° 1130 x 30 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 1130 1190 1130 1130
    20R 198° 1130 x 30 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 1130 1190 1130 1130
    02R 018° 1130 x 70 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 1130 1190 1130 1130
    20L 198° 1130 x 70 5700 kg / 0.5 MPa 1130 1190 1130 1130

    Aeroklub Most
    letiště, 434 01 Most, telephone +420 722 440 925,  letistemost@letistemost.cz

    Václav Pecka - telephone +420 603 328 736

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    1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

    1.1Snow clearance is not provided.

    1.2The manoeuvring area could be unserviceable after prolonged rains and melting snow.

    1.3Arrival of aircraft without two-way radio communication is possible with agreement of AD operator only.

    1.4There is located a prohibited area LKP8 4 km NW from the aerodrome.

    1.5The traffic circuits

    1.5.1The traffic circuit altitude:

    2Additional information

    2.1Arrival/departure of an aircraft with total length greater than or equal to 9 m or with maximum fuselage width greater than 2 m is permitted only by prior agreement with the aerodrome operator (to arrange rescue and firefighting services).

    3Charges for aerodromes

    3.1Landing charges

    Per tonne of MTOW 100,00

    3.2Parking charges

    Parking area (per day) 100,00
    Hangar (per day) 200,00

    3.3Charges for passenger service
