LKPOCA - Horní Počaply

ARP: 50° 25' 05" N, 14° 23' 03" E
4 km S Štětí
ELEV: 524 ft / 160 m
4 km S Štětí
ELEV: 524 ft / 160 m

POČAPLY RADIO125,830Group frequency

Elevated power line at height approx. 30 m above ground at 300 m from the end of the RWY.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions |
13 | 130° | 320 x 15 |
31 | 310° | 320 x 15 |

Ladislav Kuchař
Horní Počaply 33, 277 03 Horní Počaply,
+420 603 202 417,

2Additional information
3Charges for aerodromes
3Local traffic regulations and restrictions
3.1Elevated power line at height approx. 30 m above ground at 300 m from the end of the RWY.