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LKVR - Vrchlabí

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LKVR - Vrchlabí

StatutPublic domestic aerodrome
ProvozVFR day
ARP: 50° 37' 27" N, 15° 38' 47" E
2,5 km E from the centre of the town Vrchlabí
ELEV: 1611 ft / 491 m
Circuit: 2625 ft / 800 m
Provozní doba15 APR - 15 OCT
SAT, SUN, HOL 0700 - 1400
otherwise O/R 24 HR in advance
PalivoAVGAS 100 LL - selfservice using TWINTRANS cards, without card within operating hours, otherwise O/R
OlejTOTAL D100
HangárováníO/R, limited
UbytováníHotels and guesthouses in Vrchlabí and Lánov towns
RestauraceRestaurants in Vrchlabí town
DopravaTrain, bus, taxi Vrchlabí
Vrchlabí RADIO125,330
Důležité informace

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL

Noise abatement

  • Take-offs from RWY 29: turn 15° to the right after take-off. Carry out crosswind turn behind the Vrchlabí town (see VOC).
  • Take-offs from RWY 11: take-offs are prohibited from 1100 (1000) to 1200 (1100) and after 1800 (1700).

RWY Magnetic direction RWY dimensions Strength TORA TODA ASDA LDA
29 292° 840 x 125 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa 840 870 840 840
11 112° 840 x 125 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa 840 870 840 840

Letecká škola Vrchlabí, a.s.
Prostřední Lánov 172, 543 41 Lánov,  info@lkvr.cz

Within operating hours - telephone +420 777 455 865

Out of operating hours - telephone +420 608 970 772

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1Local traffic regulations and restrictions

1.115 km N the state border.

1.2The traffic circuits:

The traffic circuit altitude is 2625 ft/800 m.

1.3Noise abatement

1.3.1Take-offs from RWY 29: turn 15° to the right after take-off. Carry out crosswind turn behind the Vrchlabí town (see VOC).

1.3.2Take-offs from RWY 11: take-offs are prohibited from 1100 (1000) to 1200 (1100) and after 1800 (1700).

1.3.3The noise charges are applied to the aircraft taking off from RWY 11, that do not fulfil the AD operator noise abatement requirements:

single-engine 100 CZK

multi-engine 250 CZK

2Additional information

2.1Providing information to known traffic in English language O/R in advance.

2.2Arrival/departure of motorized aircraft or aircraft with a total length greater than or equal to 9 m or maximum fuselage width greater than 2 m is permitted only after prior agreement with the AD operator (provision of rescue and firefighting services).

3Charges for aerodromes

3.1Landing charges

Ultralight aircraft 80,00
Aircraft and helicopters up to MTOW 1000 kg 100,00
Aircraft and helicopters over MTOW 1000 kg 200,00

3.2Parking charges

Outside parking - per 24 hours 100,00
Hangar (after prior consent) - per 24 hours 300,00

Outside parking up to 2 hours free of charge

3.3Charges for passenger service