20 km SW Main railway station in Ostrava
ELEV: 844 ft / 257 m

Maintenance of aircraft is provided by company : JOB-AIR Technic, a.s.,
International aerodrome Ostrava, Gen. Fajtla 370, 742 51 Mošnov,

repair services and maintenance of GA aircraft carried out by ELMONTEX a.s.,


Customs and immigration clearance: H24
Designation | Location | Coordinates | |
NOVEMBER | Hrabyně | 49° 52' 59" N 018° 03' 17" E | Entry / exit |
WHISKY | Vrchy (church) | 49° 44' 57" N 017° 52' 19" E | Entry / exit |
TANGO | Bělotín | 49° 35' 06" N 017° 47' 59" E | Entry / exit |
SIERRA | Hodslavice | 49° 32' 20" N 018° 01' 25" E | Entry / exit |
ECHO | Frýdek Místek (dam) | 49° 39' 48" N 018° 19' 13" E | Entry / exit |
FOXTROT | Šenov (church) | 49° 47' 10" N 018° 22' 29" E | Entry / exit |
ALFA | Příbor | 49° 39' 00" N 018° 08' 28" E | |
BRAVO | Studénka (railway overpass) | 49° 42' 17" N 018° 03' 04" E |
Arrival routes | Waypoint sequence |
Departure routes | Waypoint sequence |
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
04 | 040° | 3511 x 63 | PCN 50/R/B/W/T | 3511 | 3811 | 3511 | 3511 |
22 | 220° | 3511 x 63 | PCN 50/R/B/W/T | 3511 | 3811 | 3511 | 3511 |

Airport Ostrava Ltd.
742 51 Mošnov, č.p. 401,
+420 597 471 137,
+420 597 471 122,
+420 597 471 121,
Letiště Ostrava, a.s. (Handling agent for all flights) - +420 597 471 137,
+420 597 471 121,
Eurojet (Handling agent for private and business flights) - +420 233 343 362,
+420 233 343 102,

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1Control of aircraft on movement area
1.1.1Area NORTH 3 is a manipulating area for service centre and coating. Taxiing of aircraft with engines running is not permitted. Parking of aircraft and aircraft towing from/to area is allowed.
1.1.2The aerodrome operator decides on apron assignment for given movement. Authorized signalman control the movement and assign parking positions to aircraft on the apron.
1.1.3There is used nose-in parking on apron CENTRAL. Push back is cleared by signalman. Engine start-up is cleared by TWR. Engines can be start up during push back. Taxi is cleared by TWR. Movement of aircraft on APN CENTRAL from Exit 1 / Exit 2 is always marshalled by a signalman.
If necessary the alternative method of aircraft standing can be used:
An aircraft is guided to the stand by signalman so that the aircraft longitudinal axis is turned 30° from the stand axis after stopping. The aircraft is in area of stand safety marking after stopping. The adjacent stand in the direction of aircraft turning remains unoccupied to allow the aircraft leaving the stand using power of its engines. When this method of aircraft standing is used the signalman instructions take priorities over horizontal marking and the pilot-in-command shall strictly follow his commands. About way of leaving the stand (push back or own propulsion) the crew is instructed by handling agent.
1.1.4Starting up of engines at apron CENTRAL, NORTH 1, NORTH 2 and SOUTH is permitted only with ground stuff assistance.
1.1.5Apron of Let's Fly is intended exclusively for aeroplanes of Let's Fly, Aeroclub Ostrava and Queen Air. Apron ELMONTEX is intended exclusively for aeroplanes of ELMONTEX and contracting parties. Other aeroplanes can use these aprons only with agreement of the aerodrome operator. The approval should be obtained before the aeroplane arrival. Otherwise, aeroplanes will be directed to APN CENTRAL. Ground marshal service (by signalman) is not provided on aprons LET´S FLY and ELMONTEX.
1.1.6Exit L is intended for aircraft of code letter A with wing span to 12 m. Exit 3 and Exit 4 are intended only for aircraft of code letters A and B and with wing span to 20 m. TWY G is intended for day use only and can be use only with the aerodrome operator agreement. It is not usable during LVP.
1.1.7Taxi clearance granted by the aerodrome control tower (TWR) does not release the pilot-in-command from the duty to follow the instructions of the signalman. If the pilot begins to taxi or continues taxiing without the assistance of a signalman, he shall assume full responsibility for avoiding collision with other aircraft, persons or objects on the apron.
1.1.8Marshalling is provided on request on apron during the exit from stands.
1.2Fuelling of aircraft with passengers on board
1.2.1Fire assistance is required for fuelling of aircraft with passengers on board (sitting, alighting or boarding). The pilot-in-command is obliged to report information about the presence of passenger on board of the aircraft, in connection with the fire assistance, to his handling agent. The handling agent is then obliged to pass the information to company providing fuelling.
1.3Operation of Mode S and/or Mode A/C transponders when the aircraft is on the ground
1.3.1Aircraft operators intending to use Ostrava/Mošnov airport should ensure that the Mode S transponders are able to operate when the aircraft is on the ground, and in case when the aircraft is not equipped with Mode S, let switch on Mode A/C transponder.
1.3.2The flight crew should select XPNDR, or the equivalent according to specific installation, AUTO if available, not OFF or STDBY, and the assigned Mode A code:
- when requesting push back or taxi, whichever is earlier,
- after landing, continuously until the aircraft is fully parked on stand.
1.3.3The flight crew of aircraft equipped with Mode A and Mode S having an aircraft identification feature should also set the aircraft identification. This setting is the aircraft identification specified in item 7 of the ICAO ATC flight plan (e.g. BAW123, CSA456).
1.3.4The aircraft identification should be entered from request for push back or taxi, whichever is earlier, through the FMS or the Transponder Control Panel.
1.3.5During parking the flight crew has to set up Mode A code 0000 and subsequently set up Mode S and/or Mode A/C transponder position OFF.
1.4Training flights
1.4.1Training flights in TMA Ostrava/CTR Mošnov will be approved only to aircraft equipped with the SSR transponder capable to reply to mode A and C interrogations on 4096 codes.
1.4.2Coordination of training flights between sunset and sunrise (night training) aircraft operator is obliged to ask the aerodrome operator for a permission of training flight in written form or by telephone at least 2 hours before beginning of the training by one of these contacts:
+420 597 471 137,
+420 597 471 121,
SITA: OSRCZ7X, handling@airport-ostrava.cz
The announcement and the request shall contain the following information:
- aircraft operator specification for billing
- registration mark, aircraft type, MTOW
- beginning and expected end of activity
- planned activity without contract with the aerodrome operator shall pay charges immediately after finishing the activity.
1.5Coordination of Local FLight Activity with ATS unit
1.5.1Local flight activity (LFA)
The term “local flight activity” (LFA) means a flight activity related to repetitive landings and take-offs, touch and go landings and low approaches (passes) over the RWY at the appropriate airport.
The coordination is executed by means of LARS (Local Activity Reservation System)
application, which is accessible from web environment via a web browser`s interface.
Each user has to be registered in the system (by using login name and password) common
for the application of Flight information services of the CR. Without signing in to
the system, it is not allowed to create or modify any reservation.
The application accessibility is also assured via selfbriefing workstation at LKMT.
1.5.2Pilots and aircraft operators
Pilots and aircraft operators intending to execute a LFA in TMA Ostrava / CTR Mošnov are obliged to submit their requirement by filling of the form on webpage http://lis.rlp.cz/lars together with the basic flight parameters (flight rules, type of flight, flight identification, contact to the pilot, requested LFA time period) and with the description of requested LFA.
For LFA to be performed, it is inevitable to obtain the confirmation in a form of a “LFA slot”, containing a time period, determined for the execution of the expected flight activity.
The LFA slot acquisition is compulsory for all pilots and aircraft operators intending to perform the activities characterized as repetitive:
- landings and take-offs (touch and go landings)
- low approaches over the RWY or
- instrument approaches at the LKMT irrespective of the flight rules and/or the type of flight.
LFA slot represents the time period of LFA execution exclusively. The time of entry to the CTR Mošnov or TMA Ostrava is considered the time of LFA beginning. The time of LFA termination is considered when the outbound flight is commenced towards the destination aerodrome or the time of landing at LKMT.
The reservation is not required for the single movements over the RWY not corresponding to the principle of LFA, i.e. e.g.:
- one aerodrome traffic circuit flight beginning and terminating at the appropriate airport,
- single touch and go at local airport from cross country flights where departure and/or arrival airport are different from the appropriate aerodrome or
- single instrument approach terminated with full stop landing or with low approach (pass) continuing to other destination than local airport.
Despite received and confirmed “LFA slot”, appropriate ATC unit at LKMT has the right to modify or even to cancel confirmed reservation due to operational reasons. Pilot is notified of this fact via email or SMS on the registered phone number.
1.5.3Contingency procedures
In case of LARS outage or failure, LFA in TMA Ostrava / CTR Mošnov shall be coordinated
with ATC unit by phone +420 596 693 420, not less than 2 hours prior LFA beginning.
1.6Noise abatement procedures
1.6.1Engine test runs on all aprons can be carried out only with the agreement of the operator.
1.7Flight procedures
1.7.1Pilots-in-command of the aircraft intending to warm up engines before take-off shall request relevant clearance from TWR Mošnov.
1.7.2There is a fuel depot located within the circle with radius 0,16 NM (300 m) centred on 49 40 14 N 018 06 44 E (1,08 NM east of THR RWY 04) in CTR Mošnov. Minimum usable height to overfly the depot is 1000 ft AGL.
1.7.3For VFR departure without flight plan pilot is obliged to establish radio contact on frequency MOSNOV TWR/MOSNOV DELIVERY (according to current ATIS information), select the code A2000 according to VFR-ENR 4.1, when the aircraft is equipped with serviceable SSR transponder, and to pass the following information on:
- identification of aircraft;
- type of aircraft;
- aerodrome of departure when departing from other aerodrome in CTR;
- exit point from CTR;
- height of flight.
The pilot notifies TWR, when the aircraft is not equipped with SSR transponder, or the transponder is U/S or is working on Mode A/C or Mode A only.
1.7.4For VFR departure with flight plan pilot is obliged select the code A2000 according to VFR-ENR 4.1, when the aircraft is equipped with serviceable SSR transponder, to to establish radio contact on frequency MOSNOV TWR/MOSNOV DELIVERY (according to current ATIS information) to pass the following information on:
- aircraft identification according to FPL;
- destination according to FPL;
- any changes to FPL.
The pilot notifies TWR, when the aircraft is not equipped with SSR transponder, or the transponder is U/S or is working on Mode A/C or Mode A only.
1.7.5For VFR flights entering CTR from class G or E airspace the pilot shall establish radio contact with TWR at least 3 minutes before entering CTR, select the code A2000 according to VFR-ENR 4.1, when the aircraft is equipped with serviceable SSR transponder and unless have been instructed to set a discrete code by an ATS unit, and pass the following information on:
- identification of aircraft;
- type of aircraft (for flights without FPL only);
- entry point into CTR;
- exit point from CTR (for aircraft flying through CTR);
- estimated time of entry into CTR;
- aerodrome of landing (for flights without FPL only).
The pilot notifies TWR, when the aircraft is not equipped with SSR transponder, or the transponder is U/S or is working on Mode A/C or Mode A only.
1.7.6Start-up and ATC clearances are issued on frequency MOSNOV TOWER/MOSNOV DELIVERY (according to current ATIS information). Pilots-in-command are requested to:
- report position;
- confirm ATIS information and read back its QNH;
- inform about de-icing intention, if it should be done after engine start-up.
1.7.7After push back and/or taxi approval pilot-in-command has to establish radio contact on the frequency MOSNOV TWR.
1.7.8VFR entry/exit significant points to/from CTR and holding points:
VFR entry/exit significant points to/from CTR and holding points: | |||
Designation | Location | Coordinates | |
NOVEMBER | Hrabyně | 49 52 59 N 018 03 17 E | entry/exit |
WHISKY | Vrchy (church) | 49 44 57 N 017 52 19 E | entry/exit |
TANGO | Bělotín | 49 35 06 N 017 47 59 E | entry/exit |
SIERRA | Hodslavice | 49 32 20 N 018 01 25 E | entry/exit |
ECHO | Frýdek Místek (reservoir dam) | 49 39 48 N 018 19 13 E | entry/exit |
FOXTROT | Šenov (church) | 49 47 10 N 018 22 29 E | entry/exit |
ALFA | Příbor | 49 39 00 N 018 08 28 E | holding |
BRAVO | Studénka (railway crossing) | 49 42 17 N 018 03 04 E | holding |
2Additional information
3Charges for aerodromes
3.1Landing charges
Aircraft up to 100 t MTOW | 360,00 |
Aircraft from 101 t up to 200 t MTOW (per each next tonne over 100 t MTOW) | 150,00 |
Aircraft over 200 t MTOW (per each next tonne over 200 t MTOW) | 90,00 |
Training flights: Aircraft up to 15 t MTOW | 180 CZK x MTOW |
Training flights: Aircraft from 15 up to 100 t MTOW | 180 CZK x 15 t + 150 CZK x (MTOW - 15t) |
Training flights: Aircraft over 100 t MTOW | 180 CZK x 15 t + 150 CZK x 85 t + 120 CZK x (MTOW - 100 t) |
Training flights: Aircraft up to 3t MTOW (at MNM 300 full landing + touch-and go per calendar year) * | 125 CZK x MTOW (1 OCT - 30 APR) / 150 CZK x MTOW (1 MAY - 30 SEP) |
Training flights: Aircraft up to 3t MTOW (at MNM 600 full landing + touch-and go per calendar year) * | 100 CZK x MTOW (1 OCT - 30 APR) / 125 CZK x MTOW (1 MAY - 30 SEP) |
* AD operator shall be asked for an allotment of this rate.
Training flights: For aircraft over 15 t MTOW each fifth landing free of charge.
Training flights: Charge for usage of lighting systems for night training flights is 200 CZK / full landing, touch-and-go or overflight.
Discount is not provided to training flights at the time between 2200-0400 (2100-0300).
3.2Parking charges
apron (per hour and tonne of MTOW) | 17,00 |
First two hours free of charge for ACFT with seating kapacity equal or grater than 200.
3.3Charges for passenger service
Domestic flights (per passenger) | 490,00 |
International flights (per passenger) | 490,00 |
Transfer (per passenger) | 300,00 |