9.Search and rescue
9.1.1Search and rescue service (SAR) represents the performance of distress monitoring, communication, coordination and search and rescue functions, initial medical assistance or medical evacuation, through the use of public and private resources, including cooperating aircraft, vessels and other craft and installations.
9.2Responsibility for providing SAR
9.2.1The authority responsible for organization of search and rescue services is the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. The Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic is authorized to perform search and rescue. Search and rescue operations are organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence. Joint Rescue Coordination Centre with the Ministry of Defence is established. Necessary aviation facilities, landplanes, helicopters and vehicles for purposes of search and rescue are provided by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Interior on the basis of multilateral agreement. Ten centres of the Aeronautical Rescue Service are also used for rescue operations. The postal, telegraphic and telephone addresses of the Ministry of Transport - Civil Aviation Department and the Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic are given in sections VFR-GEN-5 and VFR-GEN-6.
9.2.2The address of the joint Rescue Coordination Centre:
Air Navigation Services of the CR
Rescue Coordination Centre
Navigační 787
252 61 Jeneč
+420 220 374 452,
+420 220 372 750,
+420 220 374 450,
+420 220 373 917,
+420 727 373 917,
+420 727 374 493
+420 220 372 701
9.2.3The search and rescue service is responsible for SAR operations within the territory of the Czech Republic (Search and Rescue Region).