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LKOT - Olomouc - Základna HEMS

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LKOT - Olomouc - Základna HEMS

StatutPrivate domestic heliport HEMS
ProvozVFR day/night
49 35 00,84 N, 017 13 12,95 E
2,5 km WSW Olomouc city center
ELEV: 853 ft / 260 m
Provozní dobaHX
PalivoJET A1 (upon agreement)
Záchranná službaCat H1
Důležité informace
Approach: Take-offs:
VFR day , 130° (FATO 1), 072°, 304° (FATO 2) , 310° (FATO 1), 124°, 252° (FATO 2)
VFR night , 072° (FATO 2) , 310° (FATO 1), 252° (FATO 2)

Only HEMS flights allowed.

(49 34 59,85 N 017 13 14,85 E (FATO 1))

surface-level HEMS heliport
value „D“ - 19 m
FATO 1 – circle diameter 29 m, grass
SA 1 – circle diameter 47 m, grass
TLOF 1 – square 12,5 x 12,5 m, puzzle pavement platform, strength 6400 kg / 0,4 MPa

value „D“ – 17 (limitedly 19 m)
FATO 2 - circle diameter 26 m, grass
SA 2 – circle diameter 44 m, grass
TLOF 2 - rectangle 12,5 x 15 m, puzzle pavement platform, strength 6400 kg / 0,4 MPa

WDI (50 m NE)
FATO 1: perimeter marking/lighting FATO, aiming point marking
TLOF 1: perimeter marking/lighting TLOF, designation marking, marking TDPM

FATO 2: perimeter marking/lighting FATO, aiming point marking/lighting
TLOF 2: perimeter marking TLOF, marking TDPM
A-PAPI: 9,3°
ALS: shortened, length 25 m
heliport beacon

Descent gradient 1000 ft/1 NM.
Heliport lighting system control is provided locally from the Rescue Service dispatching (phone +420 585 544 490455).
The control is identical as on other VFR night heliports also by remote radio control from the helicopter deck (by keying 135,460 MHz):
3x in 5 sec. - intensity 10 %
5x in 5 sec. - intensity 30 %
7x in 5 sec. - intensity 100 %
After 15 minutes from the instruction of the remote radio control, all signals are automatically switched off.

Charges: NIL

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL

Obstacles: NIL


Zdravotnická záchranná služba Olomouckého kraje, příspěvková organizace
Aksamitova 557/8, 779 00 Olomouc

Ing. Martin Vaniš (responsible person of operator) - telephone +420 604 410 853,  vanis.m@post.cz

Rescue Service dispatching - telephone +420 585 544 490

PBX - telephone +420 585 544 200

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