LKDK - Dvůr Králové

2,5 km SE Dvůr Králové
ELEV: 925 ft / 282 m
Circuit: 2000 ft / 610 m AMSL

SAT, SUN, HOL 0800 - 1500
otherwise O/R

Customs and immigration clearance: NIL
Carry out the traffic circuits to the north.
Noise abatement procedures:
- Flights of powered aeroplanes over surrounding villages at altitude lower than 2000 ft / 610 m AMSL are prohibited.
RWY | Magnetic direction | RWY dimensions | Strength | TORA | TODA | ASDA | LDA |
10L | 098° | 846 x 18 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 846 | 876 | 846 | 846 |
28R | 278° | 846 x 18 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 846 | 876 | 846 | 846 |
10R | 098° | 846 x 82 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 846 | 876 | 846 | 846 |
28L | 278° | 846 x 82 | 5700 kg / 0.4 MPa | 846 | 876 | 846 | 846 |

Aeroklub Dvůr Králové nad Labem
letiště, 544 01 Dvůr Králové nad Labem,
+420 608 756 602 (only in operational hours of Providing information to known traffic unit)
Jan Tomášek (head of air traffic) - +420 604 432 712
Josef Mokrý - +420 724 357 416

1Local traffic regulations and restrictions
1.1The traffic circuits
1.1.1Carry out the traffic circuits to the north.
1.1.2The traffic circuit altitude is 2000 ft/ 610 m AMSL.
1.2RWY 10L/28R is primarily designated for the following traffic:
- aircraft, gliders, and SLZ
- arrivals and departures outside of operational hours
- with no radiostation
1.3Noise abatement procedures:
Flights of powered aeroplanes over surrounding villages at altitude lower than 2000 ft / 610 m AMSL are prohibited.
1.4The road east of THR RWY 28 shall be overflown during take-off and landing at least 15 m from the lowest part of the aircraft or towed object.
2Additional information
2.1Arrivals and departures outside operational hours are allowed only after previous arrangement with AD operator.
2.2Arrivals without two-way radio contact are possible only after previous arrangement with AD operator.
3Charges for aerodromes
3.1Landing charges
Per aircraft | 100,00 |
Per ultralight aircraft | 50,00 |
3.2Parking charges
Per every additional hour | 20,00 |
First two hours free of charge
3.3Charges for passenger service
Passenger | 100,00 |