- Spatial and time definition:
Area name Vertical limits Horizontal limits Remarks LKTRA99
FL17550 43 34,98 N 015 30 17,52 E
49 49 01,42 N 017 01 24,84 E
49 34 31,77 N 016 40 12,60 E
50 28 49,10 N 015 09 09,39 E
50 43 34,98 N 015 30 17,52 E30 MAR 2025 - 31 MAR 2025
Daily 0600-1700 UTC
Airspace vertically usable from FL180 to FL310.
Airspace managed by CRC - Permission and conditions for flight operations in LKTRA99 ZERO G
LKTRA99 ZERO G is designated exclusively for parabolic flight (OAT flight). The CRC (Control and Reporting Center) provides emergency services and monitoring of OAT flights within this airspace. LKTRA99 ZERO G takes priority over airspaces LKTRA32, LKTRA33, LKTRA34, LKTRA35, LKTRA36, LKTRA37, and LKTRA62.
Information on the current activation status of LKTRA99 ZERO G is provided by ACC Praha. Flights of aircraft not participating in the parabolic flight may be exceptionally permitted. LKTRA99 ZERO G is an unclassified airspace with no designated airspace class. If overflight is permitted, airspace class "C" will be assigned.
The following flights are always permitted entry:
- Police flights, flights for human life rescue (SAR, HEMS) and firefighting flights, which may enter the area designated for this exercise under the clearance issued by the CRC (through the relevant civil ATS unit).
- The NATINAMDS (NATO Integrated Air Defense and Missile System) and NaPoSy PVO ČR (National reinforcement system of air defense of the Czech Republic) flights, which have priority over parabolic flights. However, entry of these flights into LKTRA99 ZERO G is subject to flight clearance issued by the CRC.
For long wave flying (airspaces LKTSA42, LKTSA43, LKTSA44, and LKTSA48), a minimum separation of 5NM from the boundary of LKTRA99 ZERO G must be maintained, in accordance with AIP ČR ENR, section f), when airspaces LKTRA34, LKTRA35, and LKTRA37 are activated.
- Contacts
- CRC - tel. +420 973 232 590
- ACC Praha - see AIP ČR.
- Flight Buffer Zones (FBZ)
Flight Plan Buffer Zones (FBZ) is established around LKTRA99 (ZEROG) for flight planning purposes. The purpose of FBZ is FPL validation only.
The FBZ identification is the same as the above-mentioned area around which it is established and is supplemented by the letter "Z".
The activation time of the FBZ is identical to the activation time of the LKTRA99 (ZEROG).
FBZ is AMC manageable.
FBZ for LKTRA99 (Zero G):
Identification, name and lateral limits Upper limit
Lower limitRemarks
(time of akcivation and FUA restrictions)LKTRA99Z
50 48 39,80 N 015 33 12,33 E
49 51 12,42 N 017 09 03,69 E
49 47 04,19 N 017 09 12,17 E
49 29 35,66 N 016 43 36,25 E
49 29 28,58 N 016 37 15,22 E
50 26 30,23 N 015 01 30,17 E
50 30 38,16 N 015 01 10,48 E
50 48 28,52 N 015 26 40,93 EFL325
FL175AMC Manageable area
Time of activity will be published by AUP/UUP.
FUA restriction:
LKTRA99ZR - Not available for traffic.